
Showing posts from April, 2024

Posting Just Random Nonsense Dude? Why?

Did the Social Security Comission situation catch you unexpected? Did you NOT expect consequences for your many decades of deceptive actions? Narcissists, like yourself, are not used to dealing with the 'Effect' part of the whole 'Cause & Effect'. Well, this time, it is ALL catching up to you now. You post your papertrail online, on websites for all to see. You make gigantic claims constantly, and then you go to Court and repeat it, hoping that the Legal System falls into your shared delusions too. What you don't realize is that you leave a trail behind you. No one, not your stalking victims, as you accuse, did this dude! Nope! How do you even do your taxes each year? Really dude. Are you now at a loss for more insane and inane posts to make since you are realizing that your own stalking victims had nothing to do with this? No conspiracies seem to fit now? Because truthfully, they wouldn't.



Woe is the Life of a CEO of Imaginary Companies!


No Matter How Many Times He Reposts the Lies, They Are Still Lies.

Jimbo, you have changed your story about everyone, your accusations, demonizations or Character Assassinations of them, and tried to put them in the most negative light possible tens of thousands of times in 23 years, and it changes but your methods remain the same. All anyone who has any sense and logic has to do is consider the source and go from there! We have told you to seek professional help, take everything offline and get a life, but you cannot even do that. You continue the madness because this has defined you. Not your so-called business, or 'projects', or anything else, not even Magnus, who is an adult now, but your sick obsession of these people. Most of these people barely know you, or had met you scarcely 2-3 times over a dozen years ago or more! If this isn't a sign of mental You post lengthy and useless rants on Facebook over it, for no logical reason. What do you expect to happen? You end up giving the Legal System evidence AGAINST YOU. A tra


This MMORPG is in permanent God Mode for the descriminating Narcissist Player, who must be both Eternal Victim AND Condescending Twit! He is both a mighty CEO with many businesses, stakeholders, an Avant Guard Influence on the Hollywood and Social Scene as well, and yet...he is Perptually attacked, his pets assaulted, always the target by others who plot against him too in this complex Cosmic Dichotomy. Somehow, like Galactus, the Hero, Herr Magus Stryx (Sanguine), can destroy Galaxies on a whim, walk through walls and more and is still able to be the constant focus of so many who conspire against him. On top of this, he is a 'Vet' too! The list is endless of what this great Lead Character can do and has done! It is endless and it goes on... Just like Call of Cthulhu with its declining sanity, Beyond War begins that way, and everything is in a blur, hard to focus and coordinate as the Stryx Delusion has taken hold. Seeing the Universe from his Mental Illness' perspective i

Jamie Boy is Back to his Usual Insane Post this Morning! Out of Medication Dude?

You just love using people's names, accusing them, getting what you assume are 'facts' posted to demonize them, and to lift yourself up at the same time. Were you dropped on your head multiple times Jimmy? Are you....retarded? Mentally ill we know, but your brain damage is extensive. It is the same nonsense over and over. It is the same incorrect garbage too! You have Stolen Valor, no Military Rank AT ALL. You never completed Basic Training. You never even reached any successful level to acquire a ranking. You are joke. You also had a drug charge in 2012-13 and you had it expunged. Interesting. You have many other skeletons in your dirty closet dude. You were convicted of it, so don't even try to make others into criminals that you KNOW they are not you Sissy Boy. You persist in posting about assumed criminal actions and behaviors by these same people that you have obsessively stalked for decades but NOT ONCE checked in the OKlahoma Court Docket system on to verify your

Dude, You Haven't Written Anything. Stop Pretending.

You haven't been writing screenplays, doing business or anything before 2001, or even after it! You have been stalking others since 2001 and that gets OLD. You have no Body of Work to show or represent you. Dude, we in the office, cannot find your 'extensive' hisory of influences or publications...or anything. You don't exist. Is this because you are lying again? Yeah, we think so. You don't have a Pen Name because you are what we in the Profession call 'Non-Creative Garbage'. A sponge who steals others ideas, like all Narcissists and then tries to throws the original Creators under the bus afterwards. In your case, you never left being under the bus too. We looked. You don't exist anywhere! You quote the few famous people that you had met at Conventions in some sick delerium. It is disturbing dude. We meet them everyday. They are just like everyone else, but have to deal with the Riff-Raff like you. Dangerous stalkers. Perhaps Ms. Wolf should take you

Do You Ever Try To Stop Being Condescending Jimmy?

You are not sophisticated, not even cultured, and have no understanding of other ways of life outside of your little valley of Ada. You cannot communicate in decent English, it is blender's mess of wannabe-Legalease and condescending talk at times and little more dude. It shows your declining mental state, lack of a proper education (Under Grad degree) and limited experiences all in one. You have no business experience. No genius. So you compensate the best way you can by overdoing it all - adding too many words where you shouldn't, a thousand times over. Simplicity is the tool of the genius, not the opposite. Say much by saying little. When you DO say plenty, make it mean everything and have impact dude! You are too busy postering, dragging your knuckles and roaring aloud how mighty that you think that you are...satirizing you takes little effort because you do all of the work for me. I just carry you the rest of the way. Your mental health problems are so myriad that I don

You are NOT a Scholar nor a Gentleman. You are just a Mentally Ill Little Boy in Ada.

You don't own a thing. Not. One. Thing. You remain unknown. You will fade from history that way too Jimmy. Your unstable mind has lumped so many delusions together with your Narcissitic and unrealistic Self-Image, that cannot separate them from the Real World. It is ironic that YOU post about 'puffery'...hmmm. Amidst your usual Word Salad there Jamie Boy.... More useless Pseudo-Legalese babble to try to sound like you know what is going on...but you don't. You are NOT an 'officer' but you do need a few to do an Welfare Check on you dude! Usually when someone who has no stable Self-Image tries to place their own value on themselves is asked and it is tainted by extreme mental health matters (like yourself), it is blown out of proportation. You dude, you always puffing yourself up on Facebook. I have NO reason to and nothing to prove to anyone! Hahahaahahaahahaahaha! What a loser... At conventions and events dude you were known as a Stalker, Mr. Suit, and 'Va

Militech, Racoon Corp and the others are Make Believe, and You Know It! So are the Money Claims!

If you have no personal savings or 'assets' to lose, then you gain none back. This isn't the lottery because you contantly stalk and harass others for decades and expect to 'win a cash prize' at the end Jimmy. You keep inflating the cost of what you think is owed to you into impossible numbers and then get shocked when the Social Security Commission gets 'concerned'. Dude, get real! You cannot play in the Sandbox of Life, passive-aggressively bully others from afar and then expect to dig up a hidden treasure at the end from a reward. Life isn't that way. The Legal System pays careful attention. You have been caught lying over and over, about your businesses, intentions, and those you attack, and after 23+ years, it doesn't look good dude. You are trying to be devious and underhanded but too mentally ill to pull it off. Your poor Legalese talk isn't the Smoke Screen that you hoped it would be, it reveals your intentions clearly instead. In short:

A Chair and Sword Does Not INFLUENCER Make Jamie...

Some random lunatic in Ada keeps making wild claims to influencing movies, music, fashion, warfare, gaming and the list goes on...but no one has ever heard of him. You are not even an un-popped pimple in the face of history shameful.

Dude, are you SO Delusional and Narcissistic to Believe that Some Anime Copied from You?

An Anime from Japan borrowed its character's look from YOU? Dude, really? You, some unknown dweeb in Ada that everyone avoids like the plague? That has no influence on anything? That is too idiotic, knows no Japanese, has no Japanese ancestry or influence and cannot possibly have connections to Japan? You, who are so mentally ill STILL at the almost age of 50, is convinced that this Anime is influenced by you? Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahhaahahahahaha! I can 1,000,000,000,000,000% bet you that any of these people in the Anime Industry have NEVER HEARD OF YOU! When James Arnold Allen/Stryx is mentioned in Japan, no one has a clue. I can write that in Japanese for you dude...日本のアニメはキャラクターの見た目をあなたから借りましたか?おい、ホントに?あなた、誰もが疫病のように避けているエイダの未知のdweebですか?それは何の影響もありませんか?それはあまりにも愚かで、日本語を知らず、日本人の祖先も影響力も持たず、日本とのつながりがあるはずがないではありませんか? 50歳近くになってもまだ精神的に病んでいる君が、このアニメが自分の影響を受けていると確信しているのか?はははははははははははははははははははははははははははははははは!アニメ業界であなたのことを聞いたことがない人はいないでしょう。日本でジェームス・アーノルド・アレン/ストリック

Baby Man thinks 'Lawsuits' are a way to handle Hurt Wittle Feelings....

Jimmy, in the Real World MEN don't endlessly file Criminal Complaints, Lawsuits and whine about every little thing (real or imagined) online like you do! They get on with their lives and realize that the World is often a difficult place and just move on. But you are obsessed with the idea that these things are some type of leaverage against everyone else. It isn't. These make you look more like a joke in the eyes of the Law, and has to this day. Around every corner, you think it is a jackpot waiting to happen and that you won't have to work ever and that the Legal System will award you a Cash Prize for something undeserving. When in Reality, none of this works that way. At all. Everyone has perfect right to sue your sorry ass to the ends of the Solar System for decades of stalking and harassment and that isn't including your illegal 'business' dealings that we can only surmise. You can't fight back against it dude. You have no legal leg to stand on in any of

Jamie, you are such a Clown!

It must take a few hours to put on that makeup and those clothes daily dude and then parade around with your circus act, dancing and the whole show! You know, the 'you get a felony, and you get a felony...' play pretend 3-Ring Circus and the now you have another person, and as you worded it so perfectly, to conspire with you now! Those clown shoes must be comfortable now. You put on a show to lie to her and she is idiotic enough to believe it, but she isn't the brightest candle in the room, after all, she fell for far! Once your fraudulant money/lies run out, that will all change. Plus when the next court trial blows up in your retarded face AGAIN, it will look terrible dude. How does that clown wig fit over that ego? I noticed that you tried to make the typical, and cliched, link between you and the Joker and Harley (yawn). You are so mediocre dude. If you were at least a little above Average, you wouldn't do that...but you are so far below Average, you do eve

Jamie Boy, it is Simple: Stop Posting Libel About Everyone and This is Gone!

You are obsessed with lying about the same people day-to-day. For decades they eat at your already diseased mentally ill mind and you blame them for everything you have done wrong in your own miserable life. You cannot even get their stories straight. In some cases, you have barely met them in person to justify the obsession and constant demonization you perpetuate, but in your ill state, it doesn't matter. You attempt to 'Play Clinical Psychologist' on them but end up just revealing more about yourself everytime. Dude, we are ALL tired of you. Exhausted. Jamie, Jimmy, Jimbo, Strixina, get a life! You have no profession but you play pretend it out, whatever it might be: Vet, CEO, Writer, Psychologist, Lawyer, Game name it. You are not impressing anyone. You never did. Maybe this goes back to when you were adopted? You know, when your own original parents didn't want you either? Now, you have made it where no one wants you. Good job loser. For now, Ms. Wol

Ms. Wolf HAS a History! Well, HOT Dog...

Jimmy, she would have to be gullible to still be in your radius and suckered into your endless lies and deceptions, about you and other people. How stupid does someone have to CHOOSE to be? She has a long history of rotten decisions and you Jimbo are one of those. Like you, she has no real job, career or true education to speak of, so she is vulnerable to anything thrown at her by charletons such as yourself. She wouldn't know the difference (like yourself). You swindled her and still do daily. As the Social Security Commission is now coming down on you for your fake 'companies', your overdue Child Support for, a now, adult child, taken from you because you were (and remain) dangerous, and you have no real job or occupation as anyone with their eyes open could plainly see! Surely the car you were given by your Step Mommy was repoed too, and everything looks as bad as it really is, but yet Ms. Wolf is still believing in it? Really? Either she has no options behind her, or wo

Strixina - Drama QUEEN!


Your Weird Titled Incriminations of Your Stalked Victims is...Weird Jimbo!

Jimmy, you don't even have your 'facts' correct about the very people that you have spent decades trying to obessively do Character Assassinations on! They are wrong. Every person on your list that you name is wrong, and the demonizing 'facts' is sooooooo wrong, but I guess that you don't care there in your fantasy world! It is the world of Herr Magus Strix, of the Sanguine and that crap. Change your diapers Man Baby, they are full again and the flies are buzzing there in your Step Mommy's house - oh sorry, your 'Firm's Office.' Did you feed your Staff? (Cats). Your Stakeholders (Step-parents) might get angry with this new drama again now that they SS Department! Oh no...

Jimmy, Just Stop! Please. Yawn...


Dude, you are ABSOLUTELY INSANE and Need a Welfare Check!

The Ada Police need to look in on you. Your posts are 100% lies and accusatory fabrications on the people that you obsessively stalk and it is madness! You need to be carted away in a wheelchair, medicated and placed in a Mental Facility once and for all. You are finally over the edge. Which is saying plenty for you! After the most recent Facebook post concerning whatever Social Security Administration 'data' that you deem as false simply because you don't agree with it in your insanity. Narcissism strikes again! Dude, your companies and 'income' don't exist and no one has conspired against you. These other people are not criminals in any shape or form. When anyone asks you to pay, you know dude like bills and taxes, it is 'extortion' have you lived this long as an adult? Especially professionally? You cannot provide any evidence of any extortion letters from the past or present by people, so you whine and accuse and constantly post your i

What is This? A Double Standard by Jimbo? Again?

Does little delicate, mentally unstable and very dangerous Jimmy Arnold NOT like his name(s) posted everywhere? Awwwwwwwwwww! Dude! You know what? It is a problem because you seem to have half a dozen peoples' names obsessively posted, in capitals on Facebook and your crappy websites for over two decades demonizing and accusing them of terrible things that you KNOW isn't true. So you know how to solve this. Take it ALL down. Instantly. Once you do, THIS is all goes away too, because dude, NO lawyer and Judge will give you the time of their day in any arguement in the matter so long as you have their names up thousands of times (and you DO). It is libelous and wrong. You should be accountable for it all. So if you try to dare to go to court on the matter, then they will too, and file the MASSIVE document going back to 2001-2 with everything that you have posted on them. I don't think that you want that held against you. I know that I wouldn't. You are not innocent about

Jimbo, We Don't Have to Make Up Anything About You!

Every insane post you make proves that you have schitzophrenia, delusions, narcissism and more! No decent, well-balanced, mentally, person would continually post what you do for decades! Not only that, but any sane and resonable person would also learn to stop stalking and fabricating lies and stories on these same people too, and further trying to do Character Assassinations of them OPENLY. Then play innocent. You have never been in-touch with Reality to notice. Plus, you Copy/Paste your foolish Court Docket transcripts, as you create them on to Facebook, in hopes of achieving what exactly? Later dude you will get laughed at and out of Court once more by the Judge for 'Playing Lawyer'. Being 'Pro Se' isn't some game of Make Believe or Roleplaying/LARP-ing in your deranged mind dude, it is serious business. You are wasting valuable time and money for the Legal System over NOTHING. Just because you are wanting to Play Pretend for a while in hopes to also 'winning

Interrogation? Dude, you ARE Stretching the Lies now...

You are now just making up more job titles to keep stalling time with Ms. Wolf, probably to explain where your money comes from (the recent fraud from the Vet's earplugs and from your Step Parents...), and even that money isn't much and will run out soon. You have no real occupation. No office. Nothing. DISCOVERY PHASE. That is what lawyers do in a court case dude. You have no idea what you are talking about! Mwhahahaha! The only one committing fraud and embezzling is YOU. You are guilt of those crimes and others and transposing your own actions on to Facebook and trying to blame others. How sad. You are UNEMPLOYED. I guess the Ada Police need a welfare check on you dude...

I Put James Arnold Allen and His 'Companies' on Search and...

...and found nothing at all. He doesn't exist. Anywhere. Not in the valid Corporate databases where it matters, you know, Forbes, Wallstreet Times, etc. He has no presence in the business world in any shape or form at all. This applies too the world of literature, movie industry and others as well. He is invisible and unknown. Why is that? Could he be...lying? Jimmy is ALL talk and no proof or action obviously. Nothing. Zero. Just posing and puffing himself up and insulting others, and making the usual accusations, because that is easy stuff to do for fools, not professionals. I have posted about this before and tried to validate your many claims Jimmy and give you some doubt are just a nutter. Go back to the playground and play in the sand little boy and let the Men go back to work! You are almost fifty and cannot manage to honestly do one thing that you claim. What a lying prat! We can work as professionals, and do, everyday, and have plenty of resume and body of work

Jimmy, YOU Make Fun of Yourself!


Oh MY!


Dude, you are a Scared Little Man Child!

You can't live in your Step Mommy's house forever hurling charges of felonies at people forever, libeling those you stalk and expect financial results (or any), and lie to others too!The people that you assume are criminals are not. Not in any way. Sure, they may have been dragged into news or even the Court System but...they were never charged for said crimes. Do some actual investigation dude! You are pitiful. Posting about them and making false accusations, whether loosely based on real events or not, it is still libel. We will document and pursue it in court. Your idiotic 'girlfriend', who appears to turn a blindeye to your lies and sordid history, will be caught up in this too. Ms. Wolf has a history too. So...two birds with one stone? Deal. You keep posting libel about people after 23+ years and we will make sure that this goes to court after all. Especially the part about your recent fraud concerning the Veteran's earplugs. You will be SO sued that the legal

Act Accordingly? Please You Narcissistic Twit.

Jimmy, you are in a Fantasy World. You are unemployed. You scammed the Vets out of money, about $7,000 of it by fraud recently, and you will be sued for it, among the other lawsuits coming down on you. So in flights of the usual insanity on Facebook trying to seek validation, you are ignoring the facts. The Legal System is against you, not with you. You are not a lawyer, Legal Scholar or have any legal capacity what-so-ever! You have been laughed out of court many times, remember that? Surely dude...? There seems to be a massive lack of comprehension on your actions to Reality. We remember it all and have it documented, and so do you, but you wish to avoid it. You are still lying to that Ms. Wolf it seems and she is clearly too gullible and foolish to be bright enough to wake up. You pick the vulnerable and prey on them, but this is expected from a Serial Stalker. Just give her time and she might wake up and realize what a fool that she is being again. You are living on stolen money an

Dude, You are Living in a Fantasy World. A 30 Page Report?

You don't even have a job and reading and reports aren't a part of your pitiful life anyway. People who do never have to insist and tell others that they are something, they just DO it! Dude, you are so fake on so many levels. Is Ms. Wolf still there falling for your lies? Is that dumb? She has a long history of falling for grooming liars like yourself, stalkers, so you won the lottery - for the moment. Unfortunately, beware the moment it all comes crashing down and she gets that dreaded thing called an epiphany. Then there will be Hell-to-Pay. Your 'task list' is chores: feed staff (cats), clean office (Step Mom's house), maintain corporate vehicle (contact repo company about car that was recently taken...), check servers for hackers (go online and stalk the usual people and play MMOs), and protect offices from thieves (lock doors), acquire more investments from shareholders (do the next fraud/scam), etc, etc.

Jimmy the Stolen Valor Soldier Boy, Can You Hear Me?

Fraud, does that ring a bell? Hmmmm, it should because you are using that word often about OTHERS. But you are the one that did it. You committed major fraud against the US Military claiming that you were in the Army and used their Combat Earplugs and lost your hearing, and somehow...somehow dude, lied to the lawyers in the lawsuit and won some of the settlement. See dude, here is the problem. You were not even in the Army long enough to use them. Your time amounted to: a month and a week, which in Army terms means that you couldn't even clear 'White Phase' and move onto 'Red Phase' in training enabling you to go to actual training with said weapons AND using earplugs. In short, you were sitting in a waiting room because you could not even complete the standard Physical and then pass each of the steps. Pitiful. You are a MAJOR FRAUD. So, all of this evidence is now gathered against you, and that Settlement of likely $7,000 that you lied to gain from the US Military

Strix, Herr Magus, or Strixina, are You Done Bothering Everyone Yet?

The price you pay for obsessively lying and stalking people for over two decades isn't nice dude! You cannot get your facts correct on Beal, Peterson, Young and the others at all. You simply make things up where it suits your lying narrative the best, to further villainize them, to both your Facebook readers and yourself. It justifies your own vile actions, but...we all know it is wrong. You only manage to get their names correct but 99% of everything else is wrong. Even the simplest details on them you cannot get right, and you are stalking them. How stupid is that? Either you are wrongfully or purposefully doing it, we don't know for sure. However it is done, you still end up making them out to be as terrible as you but legally (where it really matters), you are wrong on all accounts. You might find a news scoop on them and grab it up hoping to have a juicy tidbit to use as more slander/libel against them, but you cannot get the facts right - still. I predict dude that you wo

We All Have Had Bad Things Happen to Us Dude! Grow Some Balls.

Jimbo, you whine and whine about every little thing that has happened to you, real or not for decades, and then you blame the SAME PEOPLE. Then on the other turn, you act like a tough veteran, an 'old boy' about things talking to the 'kiddies' in a condescending tone, about how you were there in the 'trenches' and raised by the toughest and meanest people that made warfighters and the rest! That invented Atomic Bombs and AI, etc. So which is it? You are not worthy of an intimate partner. I am sure even your hand turns you down dude! What a loser. You wonder why Magnus was taken away from you? Duh. We just hope that he has inherited your many mental illnesses. Yikes. You are in denial of them and they have ruined your life and now you are almost fifty. In consequence, you have tried to drag half a dozen others down with you too into the abyss of mental illness, but it won't work. If you WERE a busy CEO, wouldn't you be working? Making that money? Oh yeah.

Felony This and Felony That! Jimmy Grow Up!

You cannot hand out Felonies to everyone like candy dude! Not only do you NOT understand how the Law works, but you cannot legally Charge others with any crimes either. Endlessly your stupid posts go on and on with them incorrectly ad nauseum. You have no legal authority at all. You cannot assess any situation, whether done to you or not, and then be Judge and Jury on the matter. You are a very mentally ill Baby Man who keeps trying to villainize the same group of people (who you obssessively stalk on your endless sites and posts) and then expect results and magical money in turn from them out of consequence. Sorry dude. It is also strange how all of those animals died in YOUR possession and you blame others for it. You have no proof of it, but yet you twistedly attribute everything terrible to these same people and the Soonercon Syndicate. I think that you are a secret Serial Killer dude. Animals and people have died around you and you blame others over and over. Odd coincidence. No o