Jimbo, We Don't Have to Make Up Anything About You!

Every insane post you make proves that you have schitzophrenia, delusions, narcissism and more! No decent, well-balanced, mentally, person would continually post what you do for decades! Not only that, but any sane and resonable person would also learn to stop stalking and fabricating lies and stories on these same people too, and further trying to do Character Assassinations of them OPENLY. Then play innocent. You have never been in-touch with Reality to notice. Plus, you Copy/Paste your foolish Court Docket transcripts, as you create them on to Facebook, in hopes of achieving what exactly? Later dude you will get laughed at and out of Court once more by the Judge for 'Playing Lawyer'. Being 'Pro Se' isn't some game of Make Believe or Roleplaying/LARP-ing in your deranged mind dude, it is serious business. You are wasting valuable time and money for the Legal System over NOTHING. Just because you are wanting to Play Pretend for a while in hopes to also 'winning the Legal Lottering' too at the end. Sorry dude. It won't happen. The Adult World doesn't work that way. Lawyers and Judges take years of training to do what they do, and you can't just hop in and expect the same results just because you are delusional.


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