Baby Man thinks 'Lawsuits' are a way to handle Hurt Wittle Feelings....

Jimmy, in the Real World MEN don't endlessly file Criminal Complaints, Lawsuits and whine about every little thing (real or imagined) online like you do! They get on with their lives and realize that the World is often a difficult place and just move on. But you are obsessed with the idea that these things are some type of leaverage against everyone else. It isn't. These make you look more like a joke in the eyes of the Law, and has to this day. Around every corner, you think it is a jackpot waiting to happen and that you won't have to work ever and that the Legal System will award you a Cash Prize for something undeserving. When in Reality, none of this works that way. At all. Everyone has perfect right to sue your sorry ass to the ends of the Solar System for decades of stalking and harassment and that isn't including your illegal 'business' dealings that we can only surmise. You can't fight back against it dude. You have no legal leg to stand on in any of this! It is FUTILE. You don't understand any measure of the laws, Federal or Local. Your Narcissism Syndrome is so over-the-top that you cannot understand failing or losing. YOU HAVE AND ARE.
What a bad time to be YOU! It always is really. Because you are NOT a lawyer, never have been, and cannot comprehend how any aspect of the Legal System works, you will lose this and every other legal motion hurled at you. Those cats and people WERE IN YOUR CARE AND CUSTODY and no one else's, and their well-being was in your hands. Their resultant deaths and outcomes was as well, and you cannot prove Foul Play by other people no matter how much you try dude! Stop it. How ridiculous. Ms. Wolf better leave too, because anything living around you doesn't have good chances based on your record and mental state. Yikes. If you have cameras, please DO provide footage. I am sure that you and you alone were always present...weird how that works dude.


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