This MMORPG is in permanent God Mode for the descriminating Narcissist Player, who must be both Eternal Victim AND Condescending Twit! He is both a mighty CEO with many businesses, stakeholders, an Avant Guard Influence on the Hollywood and Social Scene as well, and yet...he is Perptually attacked, his pets assaulted, always the target by others who plot against him too in this complex Cosmic Dichotomy. Somehow, like Galactus, the Hero, Herr Magus Stryx (Sanguine), can destroy Galaxies on a whim, walk through walls and more and is still able to be the constant focus of so many who conspire against him. On top of this, he is a 'Vet' too! The list is endless of what this great Lead Character can do and has done! It is endless and it goes on...
Just like Call of Cthulhu with its declining sanity, Beyond War begins that way, and everything is in a blur, hard to focus and coordinate as the Stryx Delusion has taken hold. Seeing the Universe from his Mental Illness' perspective in a MMORPG will be difficult, even in God Mode. Watch as he attempts to post mere small sentences and not giant Word Salads in his lame attempts at trying to sound authoritative and 'legal.' Use the 'Legal Mode' to communicate only in Fake Legalese and confuse the strangers and foes. Pass business cards of your ridiculous 'business' to police in hopes of sounding 'real' while dressed in a suit and NOT appear like a douche-bag. Try to weave your wild conspiracies about how various people plot against you, while in truth, you are the one plotting against them (and construct endless websites and Facebook posts as evidence). It is a complex game but in the end you will end up losing because no one wins with Stolen Valor and lies. No one.


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