Felony This and Felony That! Jimmy Grow Up!

You cannot hand out Felonies to everyone like candy dude! Not only do you NOT understand how the Law works, but you cannot legally Charge others with any crimes either. Endlessly your stupid posts go on and on with them incorrectly ad nauseum. You have no legal authority at all. You cannot assess any situation, whether done to you or not, and then be Judge and Jury on the matter. You are a very mentally ill Baby Man who keeps trying to villainize the same group of people (who you obssessively stalk on your endless sites and posts) and then expect results and magical money in turn from them out of consequence. Sorry dude. It is also strange how all of those animals died in YOUR possession and you blame others for it. You have no proof of it, but yet you twistedly attribute everything terrible to these same people and the Soonercon Syndicate. I think that you are a secret Serial Killer dude. Animals and people have died around you and you blame others over and over. Odd coincidence. No one would waste time, gas and money to do these things to you. Get real. You are extremely incapable of holding your own life day to day functionally as an adult, so it is evident that others are even worse off in your trusted hands. We pity those poor animals and people that fell into your hands over the years dude! How sad. You think every little incident near your Step Mommy's house that occurs concerns a conspiracy targetting you! Cars going backward, Bikers harassing you in a random bar, and the list goes on! You are not important, not like you think. Your sick mind swims with wild schizophrenic driven notions that these people, the ones you obsess about, are plotting against you, when it is the complete opposite. They just want you to STOP posting libel about them 22+ years now. Please. Everything goes quiet when you do. Your back Child Support is just a part of this madness, not the cause. It is not the conspiracy. It is the consequence however, and you don't want to accountable for anything. Your narcissism keeps you from it.
You have no income to speak of, so why do you make light of others' incomes? Or try to dude? You barely are hanging on as it is, most people really are, but they don't pretend to be rich CEOs with staffs, firms, etc either! You are completely caught up in a wild fantasy and expect the Internet's nature and the people that know nothing about you to side with you, when in fact, a quick search on anything related to you finds ZERO. You don't exist in Corporate databases anywhere Mr. Militech (stolen from Cyberpunk), Raccoon/Umbrella Technologies Inc. (stolen from Resident Evil) and your many other stolen ideas. Just get professional help and leave everyone alone and stop acting like a whiny baby for a change dude! Please...


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