Strix, Herr Magus, or Strixina, are You Done Bothering Everyone Yet?

The price you pay for obsessively lying and stalking people for over two decades isn't nice dude! You cannot get your facts correct on Beal, Peterson, Young and the others at all. You simply make things up where it suits your lying narrative the best, to further villainize them, to both your Facebook readers and yourself. It justifies your own vile actions, but...we all know it is wrong. You only manage to get their names correct but 99% of everything else is wrong. Even the simplest details on them you cannot get right, and you are stalking them. How stupid is that? Either you are wrongfully or purposefully doing it, we don't know for sure. However it is done, you still end up making them out to be as terrible as you but legally (where it really matters), you are wrong on all accounts. You might find a news scoop on them and grab it up hoping to have a juicy tidbit to use as more slander/libel against them, but you cannot get the facts right - still. I predict dude that you won't be able to exist on your own for much longer and will end up as a Ward of the State. Your mental state is so frayed after decades of this insanity. You have driven yourself there. No one else has done it. Remember dude, ONLY YOU LIVE IN ADA, THEY DO NOT. What this means is, they are not there to cause these alleged troubles for you, it has only been you. They have lives of their own elsewhere. I have lived out of country overseas and might again, because I KNOW that you have gone to Ardmore looking for me a few times. You have been spotted in your dark blue car in town a few times. Stalking me I hear. Well, Ardmore is larger than Ada, barely. I have friends watching out for me. You might have even been near my wife a few times, and that enrages me to no ends. You can keep your sleazy and dangerous ways in Ada, or those bikers will break you in half next time!
Just go back to playing your video games, watching TV shows and leaving people alone for the first time. Life will be simpler and have no drama! We know that you are a raging Drama Queen Strixina, but you can play one of my MMOs and use it there online. Surely you can make people hate you online...oh wait. Hahahahaha, this IS you! You have no gaming groups, nothing to get involved in because you are intolerable and everyone leaves you alone. Dude...sorry.


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