Dude, are you SO Delusional and Narcissistic to Believe that Some Anime Copied from You?

An Anime from Japan borrowed its character's look from YOU? Dude, really? You, some unknown dweeb in Ada that everyone avoids like the plague? That has no influence on anything? That is too idiotic, knows no Japanese, has no Japanese ancestry or influence and cannot possibly have connections to Japan? You, who are so mentally ill STILL at the almost age of 50, is convinced that this Anime is influenced by you? Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahhaahahahahaha! I can 1,000,000,000,000,000% bet you that any of these people in the Anime Industry have NEVER HEARD OF YOU! When James Arnold Allen/Stryx is mentioned in Japan, no one has a clue. I can write that in Japanese for you dude...日本のアニメはキャラクターの見た目をあなたから借りましたか?おい、ホントに?あなた、誰もが疫病のように避けているエイダの未知のdweebですか?それは何の影響もありませんか?それはあまりにも愚かで、日本語を知らず、日本人の祖先も影響力も持たず、日本とのつながりがあるはずがないではありませんか? 50歳近くになってもまだ精神的に病んでいる君が、このアニメが自分の影響を受けていると確信しているのか?はははははははははははははははははははははははははははははははは!アニメ業界であなたのことを聞いたことがない人はいないでしょう。日本でジェームス・アーノルド・アレン/ストリックスの名前が出ても、誰もピンと来ない。それを日本語で書けますよ...
Dude, we deal with Japan a lot. The country is in our blood. You are so delusional and want to matter so much and take credit for something major that you have to keep lying.


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