Dude, You are Living in a Fantasy World. A 30 Page Report?

You don't even have a job and reading and reports aren't a part of your pitiful life anyway. People who do never have to insist and tell others that they are something, they just DO it! Dude, you are so fake on so many levels. Is Ms. Wolf still there falling for your lies? Is that dumb? She has a long history of falling for grooming liars like yourself, stalkers, so you won the lottery - for the moment. Unfortunately, beware the moment it all comes crashing down and she gets that dreaded thing called an epiphany. Then there will be Hell-to-Pay. Your 'task list' is chores: feed staff (cats), clean office (Step Mom's house), maintain corporate vehicle (contact repo company about car that was recently taken...), check servers for hackers (go online and stalk the usual people and play MMOs), and protect offices from thieves (lock doors), acquire more investments from shareholders (do the next fraud/scam), etc, etc.


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