
Showing posts from January, 2023

Trafficking? What? Since when?

Dude, you keep holding conversations with yourself on your many 'business' groups on Facebook and profile, all of which are lonely, over the same topics: Child Trafficking, Sexual Deviance and Abuse. I think YOU might be the one doing these things. Yeah, it sure seems like it. The one who keeps going on about the same things over and over is usually the person that is doing it. Jimmy Boy, have you heard the expression, 'When you point at others, you have four fingers pointing back at you.' This is you! No one else is doing a thing or cares. You are a non-entity. You have no Net Worth. You are no competition for real businesses. You are not a threat to anyone. You are not a Veteran. Herr Magus Stryx, you have not been an influence on anything to do with Hollywood, TTRPGs/MMOs or anything in your life. Stop projecting your inner delusions and twisted narcissistic ideas. You are using the Internet to lash out at others and are still expecting it all to have some mysterious

You ARE Effiminate Jimmy Boy!

There is NO 'Child Abuse/Trafficking Ring', or Extortion, or Fraud or any of the other overdone and endless and wild accusations you keep posting on Facebook going on little fragile, dainty Jimmy. Not one bit, and you KNOW it. You are just a terrible person who loves to obsess and play victim and yet also superior too in the typical Narcissistic manner. You have to whine and complain, make up these wild conspiracies and plots about 'Industrial Espionage' against you, and yet you know just as much as we that you: a.) have no income, b.) live in your Step Mother's home by her graciousness, c.) do not run various companies and are not a CEO of them, d.) have no military background, e.) are the single most dangerous threat to yourself and others, thusly why your son was taken, legally, from you so long ago. So stop making these same, tired stories. Stop trying to quote laws, and what are felonies and 'crimes against you' dude! Yawn. You have NO legal power, leve

Jimmy, you think that Columbine was fake? Seriously?

Mark another wacko number off of my 'Stryx Bingo Card' dude! So by your 'logic', you also think that ALL school shootings are also 'media fraud' too? Wow. No wonder you are an isolated loser and now trying sooooo hard to reclaim some measure, small (probably less than 2 inches) of manhood! There are so many uneducated, misinformated and false ideas bouncing around inside that empty bonehead of yours Jimmy, does it rattle when you walk? Between the Trumpisms, Nazism, Communism and every other terrible and corruptable '-ism' to your tiny mind, you don't have much going on ' up there ' to compensate for the lack of anything ' down there. ' 7+ exes, hahahaha! I somehow doubt that, it seems to be from our collective knowledge that you had about 5 at the most. The last two or three you tricked or coerced into being with you and what sordid stories they are too...oh Jimmy. We KNOW. Dude, to remind you again, here is my wife, I met her in N

Dumb Jimmy, Dumb, Dumb....Dumb!

I try dude to walk away for a while and give you some space, even a little Humanity but in a few days time you are back posting the SAME insane repeating rants about the SAME lies and foolish conspiracies. You are a dangerous and unstable person James. Magnus was taken from you because of this and yet you post every possible violent (or percieved) slight against your frail, weak and nerfy self since...well, since the start of this drama! On one hand you try to post about how tough and what a 'warfighter' and veteran you think you are, to appear hardened, and then about 98% of the rest of the time you obsessively post about how everyone that has ever crossed your sissy little path wronged you in some way. What a little girly-boy. Dude, no wonder everyone avoids you! Make up which mind you are using and posting because we pay total attention. If you bruise so easily, and get hurt oh so easily dude, it is no wonder that you cannot handle the Real World and hide out in your Step-

Your Obsessions are Disturbing Jimbo Stryx. Yikes.

On every other post you babble about Pedos, Necrophilia and similar stuff too often. No one else does, or even notices or cares. Usually it is the one who talks the loudest and roars against such things that is the closest case or has the worst case of it, and you Jimmy dude have spoken on these topics soundly and constantly for decades. I completely understand why all children are removed from your presence. I wouldn't want any child around you when you are obsessively posting these things, which are often just you chasing shadows online. Only you are looking for them, when they are not really there. Dude, you need LOTS of help. You aren't a historian or even a real Psychologist and have no profession in these areas, so don't pretend that you do. Misinformation is the worst information dude. Go out and get a life, but first get full-time therapy.

You are such a Sissy Boy!

There are NO transcripts. No kidnapping. No extortion threats. No Child Abuse. You were, and still are, mentally unfit to be around children and other adults. Dude, WHO obsesses for 23 years, builds conspiracies, says he influences the styles and ideas of Hollywood and cultural movements, when he has only lived his life in little Ada? Really dude? You have nothing in your CV to show as a work history. Zero. Not a vast repetoire of highly acclaimed publications, productions or games or...anything. Essentially, no one who is anyone in the World knows who James Arnold Allen is, except by the unlikely chance they find my first blog about you over ten years ago. It DID have almost 20,000 hits or more and it is rising still. People have you on their 'Do Not Touch He is Infected' list. Everywhere! No girls are driving by 'photographing' your house, unless it is to put you on a Watch List to be wary of and avoid as a stalker. You do have that insidious reputation going back

Oh Jimmy of the NIGHT!

You do realize that the very etymology and overall background of Goth Culture can be traced to archectecture and there even further back to the general public's 'understanding' that it meant 'old' and even 'Medieveal'? No? Of course you don't because you were repeatedly dropped on your soft little pate too many times it seems. This isn't the Herr Magus Stryx version, but then again, you are a retard. That in the original 'Gothic Literature' Period, it was ALL about old mansions, crumbling ruins, and churches and the mysterious atmosphere therein? From that 19th Century Era came novels such as 'Dracula' at its end and 'Frankenstein', 'Varney the Vampire' and so many more. We all know that you are very stunted in your capability to learn and acquire any knowledge, but what is truely bad, is that you fail to even move beyond the limited scope of your lack of poor knowledge dude. You are so dumb that you cannot learn. You

What a Clown I IS!

We remember it ALL Jimbo. You can try to hide it away on your servers but it is downloaded and saved. Plus, your little Pinging everyone's IP Address trick this week and flooding their Facebook accounts. That came from you and we sent the data packet to Meta with your info and to the people involved in your upcoming insurance fraud audit soon. You just keep digging things deeper it seems. What a shame dude. You are a dishonorable little scabby lice picking away at others. It isn't enough that you have stalked them for 23 years, posted horrible things about them, obsessed over them, gotten the facts wrong and then lied about them to everyone you meet, but then you attack them online again this week too! Is there no end? Is this YOUR 'Battle of Berlin' in the bunkers? Hahahaha.

A Little Birdy Told Me Jimmy...

...that you have taken ALL of your offending websites offline and that you have also attacked the IP Addresses of your stalking targets rendering their usage of their Facebook accounts barely operable for the last 3-4 days. Naughty, naughty there! You were being Passive-Aggressive, mixing the Good behavior with the Bad Behavior. It still is all traceble to you and we know it was only you dude. What. A. Loser.

Yeah, What Clowns!


What are you Jimmy?

Are you (a) a.) Suffering from a Severe Narcissistic Syndrome, b.) Compulsive Liar, c.) Delusionary, d.) Megalomaniac, e.) ALL of the Above? We would ask you being that you have a Bachelors in Clinic Psychology but as irony would have it, you are a loony. You barely were even mentally capable of earning it when you did. Then I noticed later Jimmy Boy you posted many very negative posts about people who have their Doctorates (PhDs), it was all out of jealousy obviously and hate because you lack the intellect and true Critical Thinking to do the same (thus why you are a Trumper, Conspiracy Theorist and the rest...). Usually the Intellect Pendellum swings one way or the other with rare exceptions. Those who are in the Flat Earthers/Anti-Vax/Trumper/QAnon Camp typically don't possess a fair education and/or high enough IQ AND YOU DON'T. So you prove that time and again on here, or rather on Facebook and your meaningless websites. To put it in Okie Terms Jimmy Dude, your cornbr

Ermahgerd, Ermah a CEO Derd!

Herr James Arnold Stryx needs to do what he was asked over 23 years ago. STOP STALKING PEOPLE ONLINE AND POSTING THEIR NAMES AND WILD LIBELOUS CLAIMS ABOUT THEM EVERYWHERE. This has always been a simple request. Nothing else. He can go back to his Play Pretend on his 'game' of BEYOND WAR or whatever, but stay out of others lives and business. Stop obsessing. Dude, GET A LIFE.

When You KNOW That You Are A Narcissist - You Quote Yourself!

"It is not possible to build a business without a Justice System and District Attorney support against simple felony crime." - James A Allen Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Really dude? Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! You STILL quote yourself as though you are someone saying things noteworthy somewhere in some random journal article, book, or website? No Jimmy it isn't like that at all. No one still knows who the ever-living crap that you are, and this comes from your 'SDP Multimedia Group' on Facebook! Where NO ONE is allowed to comment or interact with you. Where NO business is done. ' Militech ' is copied from the stupid TTRPG ' Cyberpunk ', and your other 'company' called 'Racoon' is taken from the ' Resident Evil ' video game and movie series. Everything you have done is copied and derivative from something else dude. Everything. One of your stalking victims was present in 2012 when you first hit upon the notio

Dude, No One 'Abducted' Magnus or Extorted You! Grow Up!

It has been 23 years and you are STILL going on with these same worn out lies. The Courts of Law don't believe them (in Oklahoma and Texas), the DHS, IRS, and Law Enforcement, and any sane person, so just give your ridiculous narcissistic crusade a final rest! It is OVER! Jimmy, you have been asked, offered, and told to get professional help for your Mental Health by an endless number of people since before 2001 and you shrugged it all off. You live in many multiple fantasy worlds, and none accomplish a thing. None. Added to this long shameful list of sad and cringeworthy shame, you now have insurance fraud too. Wow dude! I live in Norway for a decade and come back to find that you are still shady and worse than before... BEYOND WAR will never ever be made. 'Seven Alpha' doesn't exist either. In this business, if you spend your time making empty promises with no samples or product, then you are lost in the rat race, and you lost in the 90s dude! It is competetive and

Posting More Delusions Elsewhere Stryxie Boy?

After a long day of programming, business deals and simply living life as a professional, I come home to my beautiful family here in Ardmore and find that you haven't done anything online much. Awwww dude, are you figuring things out, or just scheming more convoluted lies and wild conspiracies to post again as you had a million times before? I think it is the second one. Mainly because you are a consistant loser, a predicable one. No Hegelian crap to spew? No...'Evil Democratic Socialism' nonsense to utter? You want to ride that Nazi/Communist fence again? I read over EVERYTHING you have posted since 2001 and you are FOR the Nazis and Soviet Era Russians, in fact you have backed the recent Russian invasion of the Ukraine and its terrible losses. You immerse yourself in it and your sick Sanguine 'Warfighter' garbage. It is NO surprise that you an outcast from everyone and everything and everyone on your Facebook friends list are on the goverment Watch List for be

Dude, Captain Harlock? You are a Stupid Gaijin...

What a Weeb and Dweeb too! Stop with your sick fetishizing of Japanese culture. On one end you act Weebie about it and then you obsess about them attacking you online and stalking too, but it isn't like that, not at all. No one from Japan knows or cares about your dweeb self, trust me. What trash I read about your terrible write about 'Mazone' women and Japanese men and the rest, mwahaha! Really? You wouldn't know about how it is to both Japanese, a Japanese male or married either. So don't lecture on it. Do you take drugs before you write these meaningless rants online dude? You are a mixed Choctaw, Co-Dependant, jobless mook living in his Step-Mom's house and have nothing to do day to day. You don't know Japanese or even have that lineage. Dude. Just stop being an Otaku. Stop talking about 'honor' too, especially considering your history and behavior and posts about liking Trump, Putin and simular terrible people in history. Trash all of them and y

Little Boy Hiding in His Step-Mommy's House Being a Bully...Awwww....


Please Just Stop!

If you have EVERYONE'S names posted all over your sites and Facebook pages little Jimmy Stryx, then you cannot post up disclaimers keeping people from using or going to those same places, it goes both ways. Bullies can't have it both ways. Take ALL of it down and then we will see. We have gone through this before...remember dude? Oh, you want more problems with the tax people and authorities over us revealing the facts about you since you can't do it yourself, I get it! Ok, no problem. Until then consider this Stryxie...

Oh the Stinging Irony...

Little Herr Magus Stryx calling (whoever 'The Daily Stormer' is) a 'sociopath' and yet HE is the one that possesses endless websites and Facebooks that cannot pull away from the same themes of 'Genocide', 'Child Trafficking', 'Corporate Espionage' and the constant Internet Stalking of his Dirty Half-Dozen after twenty years. Jimmy Boy, Dude, how many times and ways can I tell you this? It has been a decade since I went over things and you are still eaten up by it, and added MORE, with entire Hegelian rubbish now too, mwahahahahahaha! You don't even really understand Clinical Psychology and yet you have a degree in it, barely, and from there you tenuously try to use other specialist terms in other complex academic fields. Dude, I am an expert in Computer Programming, its history, and more, and have even gone back to reimmerse myself for a PhD course in Quantum Computing just so I can produce BETTER MMORPGs! YOU CANNOT GET YOUR BEYOND WAR O

Bold Talker, Cowardly Stalker.

Perhaps Jimmy Boy everyone is tired of you using their names on EVERY WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE THAT YOU ARE O N . Maybe...I could be just guessing here, but I would be very annoyed too if I was, oh wait, you put me in your conspiracies too, and flow-charts after 2013! Everyone has asked you to STOP doing it and you can't. There is NO Child Trafficking or Abuse unless you are doing it. You go on and on about it. Various countries, entire nations are caught up in your sick fantasies and then magically excluded from your businesses that don't exist. If you want to talk about 'Magical Thinking' Jimmy, that is it! I wonder if those citizens even know they were dragged in and out of your little world of delusions many times over over assumed slights and sick fantasies? No, not likely because no one knows who you are except for your stalking victims. In your efforts to villainize others, you have become the villain, but not the super one. You tried your hardest to make

What? In the Air, is it a Moron, a Bloated Narcissist, or, is it Jimmy? Yeah, it is All of them!


Gaslighting? Sir, Can I have more?

Jimmy Boy is trying to hold a fundraiser it seems. This perplexes me. Is this: a.) To acquire more gas for his Victorian gaslamps? He IS the ' Vampire of OK C' after all and must stroll by the shadows, and ' Walk Through the Wall s', and must have the shadows to be Herr Magus Stryx , or, b.) To help pay for ALL of the Gaslighting of his half dozen victims of stalking and obsessive Internet trolling that he has done to them since 2001? He HAS Gaslit them for several decades and it is all over his websites and Facebook pages for everyone to see clearly. The Courts of Law saw it as the clear evidence that it is, and the lawyers too, and were very shamed the day, recently, when he tried to 'play lawyer' and defend himself against the case for overdue Child Support. He DOES have ALL of these websites claiming that he has made countless hundreds of thousands of dollars (or more) with his companies and that he is a CEO. The various Con-Goers would also refer to him

Craft Beer, Kale and Independent Music, a Hipster's Life.

Jimmy, will you ever stop lying and stalking people? You have dedicated over 20+ years to it. Obsessed about it. Added to global plots, multi-million dollar plans, Child Trafficking and super complex conspiracies to elaborate in this nonsensical stinking pile of elephant shite and yet no one believes you - except those radicalized loonies on your Facebook friends list. They themselves are already on Government Watchlists I can easily ensure you, and some for Attempted Sedition on Jan. 6th 2020. You agree with them too as I have read, and that Jimmy, is NO surprise. You are already mentally unbalanced and have no understanding of history or simply...anything, you think all of it, Trumpism, and the entire associated Cult is fine. That is horrific. Can you stop demonizing innocent people? You have jumped the fence on Nazism, Communism and the rest so many times that you don't know where you stand anymore BUT I DO. I have watched and read your every word, and you sympathize with tho

Herr Magus Stryx - Sanguine Dood!


Someone Thinks They are Soooo Smart but they really Aren't!

Jimmy I read over your tediously worded Facebook and website rantings, and you create garbled word-salad. It means nothing. None of it. Intelligence isn't the use of BIG WORDS in a string of words ('sentence' or clause), it is how to communicate and apply them. Dude, you have struggled your whole pititful life trying to put on a Trick Pony Show with the illusion that you are super intelligent, a genius, and you just are not. Not even with a moderately average IQ. Not on the Emotional or Intellectual meter or measures of Intelligence. You know why I, and others, know this? Because in our circle, the people that you stalk, harass and post libelous and hateful lies about are those very people who have high IQs. They see that you are not one of them by your actions. So stop. Allycat helped you earn your degree in Clinical Psychology because your mind was beginning to collapse in its early stages then, to where it is today in its really critical stages in whatever your bizar

Dude, Jimmy Dude...

You have no 'firm'. There is no 'company', you have no 'products', and you are no 'genius'. There has never been a 'conspiracy' against you by others. No one cares. These various people have their own lives and want to be left alone. Just leave them alone and go away. Stop mentioning their names and obsessing about them. If you are not a narcissist, then provide the evidence to support your lofty claims about influencing Hollywood, literature and the rest dude! So far, we don't believe it. You are extremely paranoid. You think that everyone is out to get you when in fact, no one is even close to caring or thinking about you day-to-day. You have countless websites and servers constantly online, and it is no surprise that you get Internet traffic from EVERYWHERE! The Internet is busy and active. Between Bots and wild viruses, you are bombarded by them every nano-second. No one is doing it on purpose because you are NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Dude, y

Oh Boy...the Hits Keep Coming!

This is just worth its every second in PURE GOLD! The police and dispatch agree that he is a nutcase too... Here is the link !

Dude, your company doesn't exist.

You haven't been ahead of the curve on anything - ever. You are only a company by name on a piece of LLC paper. No one charges $600/hour. No one. You live in fantasy worlds within fantasy worlds of delusion. I have never spoken with a single person that has bought a computer from you, or heard about anything that you done. Ever. You live, barely, in your Step-Mom's house by her good charity and somehow she tolerates the endless complaints about your online stalking and threats that YOU do to others over the many years. Jimmy, you are the problem here, not others. You will never see the facts in this because you are too far gone. Only you are convinced. BEYOND WAR IS TERRIBLE. Those 'books' that you tried to write are unspeakably awful dude. Who wrote them, a 2nd Grader? You are not serious that those are literature representing your project? I will analyze them later more in depth. Really dude. Buy a Craft Beer, eat some healthy food and slow down. You are not a gen

Jimmy Dude, Really?

We have websites and your endless Facebook garbage telling us what a computer game/military 'innovator' you think you are! Over a decade of it! How you 'influenced' Hollywood movies, styles and more. You are so beyond Reason and Logic that it is scary. If you cannot see what I dude. As yet, there is NOTHING to show for it. Not one scrap of evidence out there. Nothing. Just a lot of hate that you earned for stalking and accusing innocent people over decades. My dude, lay off of them all. If your 'BEYOND WAR' is so great, focus your crazy energies on that only and nothing else. Instead, you create wild conspiracies, lies and then repeat. The opening paragraph on your post today again on Facebook was factually all wrong, but full of more accusations and lies about these people that you obsess about. Give it up. No one believes you. No one. YOU ARE A JOKE. Jimmy A, I drink coffee here in Ardmore watching my children, now 8 and 10 years old. I watch

To Close out the Night, I Leave You With This Mr. Strix of the Valor (that is) Stolen.

See, you continually rant on about how you are 'not a narcissist', and 'not stalking', and 'not committing libel', and then you try to support these lies by using vague understandings of various Laws. That isn't how it works. This IS how you were laughed out of court when you tried to represent yourself in the recent case against Veronica regarding your long overdue Child Support. Since you claim that you are rich, possess all of this money, these businesses and such talk against you is worth 'millions in felonious' actions alone, then logically she and the court both assumed that you were telling some degree of truth dude! Dude, why perpetuate these lies about yourself (among a thousand others) and then not confess they are false in a Court of Law? Judges won't tolerate this crap. No one professionally will. Ever dude. You try to quote endless laws, citing them at every twist and turn but that isn't how it works. This isn't TV Court. Y

Strix, Mr. Lawyer Wannabe. If you want to meet in the park someday below your Step-Mom's House, let me know...

I moved back to Okie-Land and now I live in Ardmore, just a drive away from Ada. Now I am buff, had my time in Norway and I am ready to get back to business here with my relatives. While my wife and children get to know this country and its ways, I will plan to get...used to the old familiar places again. Dude, you live in a heavily trafficked area, so of course your mailbox will get hit, things end up in your Step-Mom's yard randomly all of the time, it is normal day-to-day. If you actually owned property, you would know this, but hey, you live in Fantasy Land where YOU are CEO of many 'companies' and are skilled, experienced and these various things, influenced so many Hollywood movies, etc, etc, blah, blah....whatever dude! In reality, you are a sad little easily bruised peach hiding out in his Step-Mom's home scared of the BIG BAD WORLD and Cry Wolf all of the time. Dude, I have seen the new police cam video of you and they agree too that you need help. I can drive