Posting More Delusions Elsewhere Stryxie Boy?

After a long day of programming, business deals and simply living life as a professional, I come home to my beautiful family here in Ardmore and find that you haven't done anything online much. Awwww dude, are you figuring things out, or just scheming more convoluted lies and wild conspiracies to post again as you had a million times before? I think it is the second one. Mainly because you are a consistant loser, a predicable one.
No Hegelian crap to spew? No...'Evil Democratic Socialism' nonsense to utter? You want to ride that Nazi/Communist fence again? I read over EVERYTHING you have posted since 2001 and you are FOR the Nazis and Soviet Era Russians, in fact you have backed the recent Russian invasion of the Ukraine and its terrible losses. You immerse yourself in it and your sick Sanguine 'Warfighter' garbage. It is NO surprise that you an outcast from everyone and everything and everyone on your Facebook friends list are on the goverment Watch List for being dangerous radicals and potential terrorist threats. You sit in your Step-Mom's house festering and rotting deep in your Mental Illnesss transposing them on your stalking victims, who are not deserving on this merely because you have already made their lives unbearable with your relentless stalking and harassing online with your endless websites and Facebook pages since 2001. Demonize them as much as you can try, time and the facts always come back to haunt you, and they have dude...and you know it. People like me, Josiah Deutsch, are here to remind you of it too!


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