Dude, Jimmy Dude...

You have no 'firm'. There is no 'company', you have no 'products', and you are no 'genius'. There has never been a 'conspiracy' against you by others. No one cares. These various people have their own lives and want to be left alone. Just leave them alone and go away. Stop mentioning their names and obsessing about them. If you are not a narcissist, then provide the evidence to support your lofty claims about influencing Hollywood, literature and the rest dude! So far, we don't believe it. You are extremely paranoid. You think that everyone is out to get you when in fact, no one is even close to caring or thinking about you day-to-day. You have countless websites and servers constantly online, and it is no surprise that you get Internet traffic from EVERYWHERE! The Internet is busy and active. Between Bots and wild viruses, you are bombarded by them every nano-second. No one is doing it on purpose because you are NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Dude, you have no billion, billion, billion dollar Top Secret project they want. We have seen it and it is worse than what a Grade Schoolar can come up with today. Sigh my dude!
Jimmy Boy, your posts haven't changed in over a decade because your insanity plunges into new depths of crazy. This 'Hegelian' angle only makes it weirder but I guess you learned a few new words along the way hiding away in that valley of Ada. Get out and explore the world...oh you can't, sorry, you live off of Step Mommy's income. Oops!


  1. Muh dooood!!! James has no income, he's broke and continues sponging off people at almost 48 y/o! Can you imagine that?! Heh, not knowing where your next tank of gas will come from, or wondering when mommy and daddy will no longer be able to support you.. What a shit existence!

  2. He seems to be ALL over this humble little blog too. Oh no, I am so popular now. What will he do? Write a scathing online thing about me? Oh wait, he already had a decade ago...oh well.


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