Craft Beer, Kale and Independent Music, a Hipster's Life.

Jimmy, will you ever stop lying and stalking people? You have dedicated over 20+ years to it. Obsessed about it. Added to global plots, multi-million dollar plans, Child Trafficking and super complex conspiracies to elaborate in this nonsensical stinking pile of elephant shite and yet no one believes you - except those radicalized loonies on your Facebook friends list. They themselves are already on Government Watchlists I can easily ensure you, and some for Attempted Sedition on Jan. 6th 2020. You agree with them too as I have read, and that Jimmy, is NO surprise. You are already mentally unbalanced and have no understanding of history or simply...anything, you think all of it, Trumpism, and the entire associated Cult is fine. That is horrific.
Can you stop demonizing innocent people? You have jumped the fence on Nazism, Communism and the rest so many times that you don't know where you stand anymore BUT I DO. I have watched and read your every word, and you sympathize with those terrible people. Not their victims, and you know it. You are the Sanguine after all, the Destroyer of Worlds, Walker Through Walls and all that crap. The Greatest Bully of them All. It sickens me to imagine what you must do when you are not online. A decade ago, I, and others, have asked, pleaded, with you to stop stalking and libeling them and you increased it. Mocked them and made it even worse. You littered your websites with their names in your convoluted conspiracies, as you still do, with NO evidence. None. Not one single piece. Jimmy, when will you give up? You are a crook, a liar and criminal, and shady. Your business or 'firm' doesn't exist. Your house isn't yours, and you have no staff or 'shareholders'. You have cats, that is it. Admit it. You are a terrible, lonely guy in his forties, who has driven away everyone over the years because of your rampant mental illnesses out of control. You go offline and regroup, and then try to repackage your lies and return once more. It never convinced the Court and it never will Jimmy. You need medical attention for your mental health. So stop it ALL.


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