You are such a Sissy Boy!

There are NO transcripts. No kidnapping. No extortion threats. No Child Abuse. You were, and still are, mentally unfit to be around children and other adults. Dude, WHO obsesses for 23 years, builds conspiracies, says he influences the styles and ideas of Hollywood and cultural movements, when he has only lived his life in little Ada? Really dude? You have nothing in your CV to show as a work history. Zero. Not a vast repetoire of highly acclaimed publications, productions or games or...anything. Essentially, no one who is anyone in the World knows who James Arnold Allen is, except by the unlikely chance they find my first blog about you over ten years ago. It DID have almost 20,000 hits or more and it is rising still. People have you on their 'Do Not Touch He is Infected' list. Everywhere!
No girls are driving by 'photographing' your house, unless it is to put you on a Watch List to be wary of and avoid as a stalker. You do have that insidious reputation going back to a few Soonercons. We remember and were there when girls were hiding from you. Yep. James Arnold Allen, the Creepy Stalker in person too. So it is NO surprise that you have done that to us online later as well. Times change but people don't. Stop gaslighting make-believe problems. You hide paranoid in your Step-Mommy's house and write terrible things about people AND NEED TO STOP. This has gone on far too long. These stalking victims of yours are surprised to find out the many plots and schemes that you have them involved in later and the many overly complicated, confused and utterly wrong stories that you have placed them in. Meanwhile, they live their own lives oblivious to you day to day unaware. So stop it all dude, it isn't cool and it never was. Get a life.
Oh, I have found recently where you were in trouble with some Pot, this was in...2017-8 I think? The court dockets don't show it for some reason officially, did you have your parents' money pay to hide it until it is settled? Interesting. I will post it here soon. You were not even in your own county too, shameful...


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