You ARE Effiminate Jimmy Boy!

There is NO 'Child Abuse/Trafficking Ring', or Extortion, or Fraud or any of the other overdone and endless and wild accusations you keep posting on Facebook going on little fragile, dainty Jimmy. Not one bit, and you KNOW it. You are just a terrible person who loves to obsess and play victim and yet also superior too in the typical Narcissistic manner. You have to whine and complain, make up these wild conspiracies and plots about 'Industrial Espionage' against you, and yet you know just as much as we that you: a.) have no income, b.) live in your Step Mother's home by her graciousness, c.) do not run various companies and are not a CEO of them, d.) have no military background, e.) are the single most dangerous threat to yourself and others, thusly why your son was taken, legally, from you so long ago. So stop making these same, tired stories. Stop trying to quote laws, and what are felonies and 'crimes against you' dude! Yawn. You have NO legal power, leverage or standing. The Court in Ada saw you for the joke that you are, especially after your recent shameful display of 'Representing' yourself, hahahahahahahaha! You completely don't understand how the Law works. Leave that to the experts. Really dude! You are so fragile and weak. Does it hurt when the wind touches you?
You are not someone people care to stalk, harass or bother. It takes me effort to even do this because really dude, I could care less about you, but you irritate my friends. You stalk and harass them and after 23 years, you just can't stop! When you can learn to just seek professional help and get counseling and medication? Leave everyone alone and walk away. There are NO conspiracies and no one is plotting against you and they NEVER WERE. Dude!


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