
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Irony of Jimmy Using the Word 'Gaslighting'.

Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s. Merriam-Webster cites deception of one's memory, perception of reality, or mental stability. Jimbo, you do it and have done it for 23 years, trying to change the perception of others against what actually happened, regardless of the mountain of evidence to the contrary. Do you think that by your will alone, it will alter events and Reality? Sorry dude but what you have said and done have already happened and we have it all saved and so does the Court of Law.

Dude, Your 'Disclaimer' is a Rehash is Your Other Rants All Over Again! Sigh...

Jamie Boy, you just returned to making lofty claims, threats and the same conspiracy filled garbage as before, plus adding new numbers: 48,000 requests of abuse or violence/day, and 'owin' $10,000,000,000 in REQUIRED STATE/FEDERAL LAWS!!!!!???? Yeah right dude. You Mentally Ill Narcissists really like to make up wild numbers and claims when it concerns you, to make everything over-the-top, to place yourselves in immense places of importance or severity. In reality, it is YOU that owe Child Support going back over 23 years on Magnus Vincent, and that amount doesn't even come close to that number! We both know it. Until you pay that $41,000+ in Backpay of Child Support, you are not going anywhere, and no one owes anyone else a single penny in reality dude! What if hypothetically, those same five people that you have stalked online and even in person, and posted libelous comments about for those 23 years also decide to take their case to court against you too? There is, after

Her Maggot Styx - WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU 'KNOW'!!!!

Don't try to post about some form of 'Imposter Syndrome' BS that you are hoping that we get from your idiotic rantings. Dude, you were excluded from everything because you are mentally ill and stalk them. It is simple stuff. You were NOT 'educated' with anything to do with 'fighting in World War 1, trench warfare, naval warfare, submarine warfare, and signal and intelligence warfare' (this is a horribly written sentence dude!). You played this stuff in video games or watched it in movies and THAT WAS IT. If you were sat down in a room and questioned on all of this, one by one, you could not answer it correctly and in detail. You would be lost in terminologies and procedures alone! WW1 and its various methods of combat are now dated. Drones and a less Soldier Intrusive System is now employed, if/when possible. You live in a Fantasy World in your Schitzophrenic mind. Mwahahaahahaaha! 'Classified briefings'? About what dude? Really? Spill the beans. As

Dude, You Have Never Been Privy to Anything Top Secret. Not From Your Family or Anyone. EVER.

Stop always sounding important or trying to feed your useless ego and narcissism, you end up sounding retarded. You can never give evidence to these stupid claims, and it ends up just being the same monontonous Word Salad. You are a clown. Unknown and worthless. No one could trust you with anything secret. You post endless nonsense online, that fake and make believe, and there is no way you could be relied on to hold highly classified information. You holding it would be meaningless anyway. Why you? What would you do with it? You have no Military Rank or status. Nothing. You drift from room to room trying to keep your Mental Illnesses under control and then post it online, always attempting to sound important and powerful. The entire professional purpose of REAL Intelligence Agents is to never let on they are, or were, and to post to the World they carry such information, whatever it is. You are a joke dude. Take that red nose off, makeup too, and those large clown shoes and leave the

Oh We are Trembling Mr. Stryx!!!!!!



1.) You DON'T resemble anyone in any movie except maybe Serial Killers. 2.)Your stupid jacket doesn't matter and never had or will dude. Yawn. 3.) Neither does your sword, mwhahaahahaahaahaha! 4.) Your companies are not real. They don't exist. Not on any search or any valid business locating searching website around the World. You don't exist in any TTRPG or Boardgame ANYTHING. Ever. If you have 'written books for global use for WARHAMMER' they don't exist and claiming they are 'Public Domain' makes it vague enough to say they also could be made by anyone. You are a fraud and fake to the highest degree. Your ridiculous coat is of no consequence dude. So what? There are millions of them. That cheap sword is even less special! You are not a professional writer to know that 'writers get paid up front.' You had to litter your rant with plentiful 'felony this and that' accusations in your typical mentally ill style. Trying to spew Word Sal

Infant-try. More Stolen Valour. Here goes Jimmy Again....

Dude, you never even held a weapon or was even trained to, and never was assigned a task because you failed to complete Basic. Just like everything else in your pitiful life, you couldn't do it and then turned it around into lies and narcissistic egoism. You have to post your lovey dovey rubbish for Ms. Wolf with empty promises waxing cheesy Romantic, misquoting from movies and Anime in a sickening way. Dude, you can't get a passport, leaving the country due to your MANY financial debts here that you caused. Your lies and bad decisions and shady ways have now escalated simple matters beyond control in your precarious life. Your long-winded awful attempts at being Romantic online was worse than your usual insane Character Assassinations/Libel dude. If you leave the Country for her, you will be a fugitive and wanted. But we suppose that makes you the Greatest Bad Boy too. On the run...but you are easy to find because you can't shut up about yourself. Your trail will be simple

Boundaries DON'T Work With Narcissists! You have Crossed Them Many Times Dude!

James Allen, here are some: 1.) hiring a so-called Private Eye to snoop into the personal lives of other people that is NONE of your business, 2.) Contacting the Enid Police Department for any documents regarding Mr. Young and his 2018 Legal Matters (which again are NONE of your business), 3.) Using Google Maps to find the Homes of the people that you stalk and keeping them saved on your computer, and updating them when you can, 4.) Trying to obtain any paperwork pertaining to anything scandalous on the people that you have stalked for 23 years that is not only none of your business, but goes against all manner of ethical and moral principals, 5.) Posting their names on Facebook and your websites while Demonizing them with libelous comments and untrue statements without any evidence EVER, 6.) Attempting to cause them to lose their various jobs and professions by making phone calls and emails by propagating your lies (which is a crime), 7.) 23 years of crossing boundaries and you don

ClownCore and James Allen Fit


Oh Jimmy, Excuses...Excuses...


Dude, I Hate to Tell You But YOU are the Narcisstic Abuser of Others. Stop Playing the Victim Again!

No one else is acting out the grandiose delusions about having multi-trillion dollar conspiracies acted against them BUT YOU. THAT is Narcissism at its worst and finest. You have spent 23 years lying about five people online and in person to others with a burning obsession. It is well documented. If you doubt it, check your own posts, or those we have given by others by you. Your degree is WORTHLESS. Thanks to AlleyCat, you barely earned it at all because your Mental Illnesses were first setting in and you were mentally too crippled to even complete your own work to even graduate on your own. WE KNOW THE WHOLE STORY. A Bachelors in most subjects are only a beginning in a field, and in Psychology it is meaningless to have unless you move onto a Masters. You cannot do so due to a GPA that is so abysmally low. Your behavior alone would deny you access to any Graduate Program, but you are mentally incapable to even do the coursework dude. You cannot give 'business advice' or any ad

More Stolen Valour Posts and Lies a Plenty from the Clown in Ada! A Fresh Batch of Crap!

Dude, what 'Military Career'? You keep posting more outrageous Word Salad, long-winded dribble on Facebook. Just to hear yourself. Throwing around your usual incriminations and dire criminal threats and wannabe charges like Halloween candy (i.e., 'Felony Sedition', 'Rebellion', 'Insurrection') but at the same time going into a nonsense rant about Japan and Karoshi too? Dude? What the hell? The Japanese do not know or care about you. Trust me. You are not even on their radar, or ever will be. Your Asisn Fetish seems to be Two-Sided. You marvel at their Anime and then talk this crap too. WE KNOW THE PARTIES AND KNOW THE DISPUTES. No country or company gives an insect's microscoptic turd about your so-called 'software' because it doesn't exist. Nothing to do with it does. You were not E-4 rank, in fact, you were not even E-1 rank because you couldn't complete the Basic Training week long enough to get to the next phase. 'Effort to de

Real? Oh Bless Your Little Retarded Heart Jamie!

Real is you stalking five people for 23 years obsessively. Real is your continued Character Assassination of them, or Libel. Real is your denial of any wrongdoing, even after you keep providing evidence to the contrary. Real is your plethora of Mental Illnesses that a new DMV Guide should be devoted to entirely. Real is the fact you prefer boys to girls. Real is the dozens of websites and Facebook posts about the people that you stalk, and still you try to claim innocence in. Real is the Back Child Support you owe for Magnus V. Real is the constant Stolen Valor that you post about..for some unknown reason. Real is the obsession for fame and glory that you think you deserve but you have never earned, not 1%. Real is the shame and disgrace that you have caused to your Adopted family from your behavior. Real is the continued harassment you cause on those you stalk online to this day. Real is the total lack of humanity that you possess about others as you try to puff yourself up higher int

Unless You are Trying to Bait Us, You Are Just Completely Insane and MORE Delusional.

You don't do broadcasting of any type. In Professional Broadcasting, it is called a 'Handle' dude, not an 'Alias', and you wouldn't have several. No one would allow you near a TV or Radio. Not with your history of stalking and Mental Health behavior. You have no prior history of broadcasting either dude. Talking on your headphones in an online MMORPG doesn't count the same. What a joke! Being in an online games and '9 different characters' in their Alpha and Beta test runs is NO big deal. They happen everywhere and all of the time and most often, these trials are Hit/Miss with the projects failing to be funded or other various reasons to come to success and be made to fruition (like yours dude!). As for 'putting your face on an Icelandic monument', no. You are an unknown and no one has a reason to honor or represent you anywhere for anything. Ever. That is your Narcissism speaking out AGAIN.

Since you are Quoting Legal Terms (for no reason...)

SCHIZOPHRENIA Hallucinations: When a person sees, hears, smells, tastes, or feels things that are not actually there. Delusions: When a person has strong beliefs that are not true and may seem irrational to others. Thought disorder: When a person has ways of thinking that are unusual or illogical. NARCISSISM Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration. Others often describe people with NPD as cocky, manipulative, selfish, patronizing, and demanding. STALKING Stalking is a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear, LIBEL Libel is the publication of false statements that damage someone's reputation. You'll also see it referred to as defamation. An opinion is not libel. Libel refers to specific fac

Jimbo, it IS Pride Month After All...


You Aren't 'Formal'. You are an Idiot.

If you are a 'President' of these Make Believe companies, then I am the King of Paradise with a Haram that tends to my every need dude! Jimbo, I know someone who was with you in 2008, in Ada, in your own Step Mommy's house that overheard you the day when you first came up with the lame idea for the name of 'Shadowdancers'. I won't say their name to keep their identity safe, but they were allowed into your Step-Mom's house with you on that very afternoon. This isn't made up or anything. Then within a few years, you SUDDENLY added that name to your other Make Believe companies and online sites too, and then worked backwards to reinvent history, as all Narcissists do, to create a new version out of nowhere. But, like all Narcissists, you forget that there has to be evidence, one way or the other, it doesn't just appear and then your insistence to the contrary cannot prove it into existence. What that does is, is show your guilt and the lies involved. Ev


Dude, you don't have Shareholders, because you don't have a damn company, and you know it! Today, you opened up another BIG bottle of meaningless Word Salad Pseudo-Legalese babble once more, filled with empty threats and the usual Dog Whistles, all of the while playing Super Victim! Dementia is the brain falling into itself, and yours, as small as it is, must be undergoing something similar. No claim of your Mental Illness is false. You prove it with your posts for us all freely and in court too dude. Simply being your awful self does it all! You are so unhinged that you don't notice how bad off that you are, and it is a free circus, but you are the clown, Main Act and animals too. Your attempts at using Legal Threats runs its typical patterns each time and is predicable to the word. On some days you might fall short but today, you are in your prime at lunacy! In fact, I copied and pasted it to everyone. Good show dude! We have a Stryx Drinking Game. Every time you try to q

The Caveman Lawyer is at it AGAIN!

Felony this and felony that! Dude, no, none of that is anything like you charge or accuse. Get help and medication. Maybe we should call you Felonia from now on? Yeah, it has a nice ring to it! No one 'stole' STRIX or BEYOND from you, because those words are used everywhere. I was wondering how long you would take before you had another LONG Word Salad rant again. You couldn't keep that Mental Health ridden brain back for long. Those random, almost normal posts, were rare and a fluke. Felony, felony, felony! Dude, we ALL know that you had a drug charge over a decade ago that you had it expunged after it expired and you did your 'time. So now, you are trying to criminalize others on a Crusade. It doesn't work that way. Too bad Jimmy! Your Mental Health spills over on to Facebook often, and it is shameful. In Ardmore, we have a nice day, me and the wife playing with the kids at the park, and then I casually check your profile and BAM! More wacko bonzo rants! Dude. Okl

You are such a FRAUD and FAKE.

After rewatching these police cam videos of you, dude, you are hilarious. From the moment both policemen met and talked with you they knew that you were mentally ill. That you had delusions and lied and needed medication and therapy. When your statement was read and its 'Charges', it was a joke. You had no idea what you were even talking about. Leave the Law in the hands of those who have to both Charge and Uphold it. It isn't your task to you assign charges on other people dude! You can't even finish your 'amazing, revolutionary' game project after thirty years or whatever. Your dysfunctional mind is incapable of holding together anything long enough to do it. Just leave everyone alone. Stop libeling them in everyway you can and let them live their lives. How the Police, Judges and other Lawyers see your lame attempts at playing lawyer, which is cringy and wrong, is how we see you with Game Designing, and well...everything else in life!

Is He Ok? Is He On Medication? He has...Problems.


Oh Militech. It is Make Believe...This is Classic and Makes Me Cringe SOOOOOOOOOO Badly.


Be Ye So Advised Lawyer from Wish!

Dude, when are you going to stop trying to wax with the Legal babble online? It is Second Hand Cringing to anyone who reads it. Actual Legal Experts that happen to see it instantly know that you are full of it dude! You are mindlessly ranting and misquoting whatever that suits you and then handing out Felonies like it is Halloween candy. What a major retard. Whatever do you mean a 'joint account'? Are you smoking joints while you type up that utter crap on Facebook? Because none of makes sense dude. None of it. Contracts? What the hell? You have no clue that those even are! You are not a professional anything...except a stalker, and you don't get paid for that. No one is getting trafficked or exploited or whatever you claim. We are puzzled by your rants as usual. Did you eat too many Edibles and write up that latest Word Salad dude? We cannot fathom the mindset behind it all.

I am just Herr Magus Stryx, and Your World Frightens Me...

Just stop the Pseudo-Legal Rhetoric there Narcissist Boy! I think you have a major Child Support case to handle...and that Social Security/Income matter to resolve too, and whatever else your decades of lies/karma have caused too!

So Easy, a Caveman Can Do it!


Jimbo, Take Some Medication and Get Therapy Full-Time!

You have dedicated 23 years of your worthless life stalking less than five people! You have their names littered all over your Facebook pages and horribly made websites, putting them in your poorly concieved conspiracies and obsessively demonizing them to the point that you have submitted several times to a Judge accusing them of these nonsensical deeds (and trying to get rich from this on the side too). You even paid some alleged 'Private Eye', Kristen Mack, to stalk them one step further, and you still managed to get everything wrong about them! You cannot stop! You are unable to get your sick mind off of them, blaming them for your own life's failures (which are endless...). 'Baby Boy Allen' is a legal adult now, unlike yourself and none of this insanity is even important anymore, but you carry it on! You pretend to know the LAW, but that is also incorrect, on every level, You haven't taken a single course in Legal Studies or even sat in on how the Legal Syst

You are fun but it takes a SECURITY CLEARANCE?

Once again, your delusions are leaking on to the Internet Jimmy! The ONLY time that a 'Security Clearance' will ever be needed to see you is when you are locked up in a Mental Health facility, and that is overdue. As for the fun part - no. Just NO. You are insane. An obsessive, megalomaniac, driven by narcisstic delusions and paranoid thoughts and a litany of other problems. No one wants to see you that badly dude. In fact, if Ms. Wolf did, she would still be there and NOT back in Mexico. Your Step-Mom's house is just like any other on the block. It isn't secure apparently. You only give its address everywhere with photos and even video still-shots of alleged strangers at your door! You can't keep anything secret if you tried. How do you expect to ever complete any 'Top Secret' project? Really dude? No one wants to visit you Jamie boy, no really, it is a fact.