1.) You DON'T resemble anyone in any movie except maybe Serial Killers. 2.)Your stupid jacket doesn't matter and never had or will dude. Yawn. 3.) Neither does your sword, mwhahaahahaahaahaha! 4.) Your companies are not real. They don't exist. Not on any search or any valid business locating searching website around the World. You don't exist in any TTRPG or Boardgame ANYTHING. Ever. If you have 'written books for global use for WARHAMMER' they don't exist and claiming they are 'Public Domain' makes it vague enough to say they also could be made by anyone. You are a fraud and fake to the highest degree. Your ridiculous coat is of no consequence dude. So what? There are millions of them. That cheap sword is even less special! You are not a professional writer to know that 'writers get paid up front.' You had to litter your rant with plentiful 'felony this and that' accusations in your typical mentally ill style. Trying to spew Word Salad and awful Legalese while misquoting it is not necessary either dude. It is ironic that YOU are telling others to 'get a job' when you in fact haven't held one for decades. You cannot sustain a job and have never held a career in your miserable life. While rednecks use lifters to compensate for their misgivings in their giant pickup trucks, you do so with your attempt at sounding Legal and treatening by the Law, but it fails utterly, just as they do too, because we KNOW why you do it. You not only have an teeny-eeny weeny, but you are also mentally crippled too. Ms. Wolf isn't your 'wife' yet dude, you are not even legally together! Mwahahaaha! Marriage doesn't work that way. You have NO experience in relationships either to understand them. Dude, what happens with you and that other guy in a bathroom, stays in that bathroom with you and him and the other men apparently...because we KNOW. We know more than you will ever divulge.
Strange how you don't like anyone posting things about you online. It is almost as if this was the same thing that you had done to others for decades and it is turned against you, but unlike you, this isn't invented or made up. It is factual. Ironic.


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