Dude, Your 'Disclaimer' is a Rehash is Your Other Rants All Over Again! Sigh...

Jamie Boy, you just returned to making lofty claims, threats and the same conspiracy filled garbage as before, plus adding new numbers: 48,000 requests of abuse or violence/day, and 'owin' $10,000,000,000 in REQUIRED STATE/FEDERAL LAWS!!!!!???? Yeah right dude. You Mentally Ill Narcissists really like to make up wild numbers and claims when it concerns you, to make everything over-the-top, to place yourselves in immense places of importance or severity. In reality, it is YOU that owe Child Support going back over 23 years on Magnus Vincent, and that amount doesn't even come close to that number! We both know it. Until you pay that $41,000+ in Backpay of Child Support, you are not going anywhere, and no one owes anyone else a single penny in reality dude! What if hypothetically, those same five people that you have stalked online and even in person, and posted libelous comments about for those 23 years also decide to take their case to court against you too? There is, after all, PLENTY OF EVIDENCE against you. One or two times in court and the matter is done. You have committed decades of Internet Hate Crimes against them and it needs to stop! You need to be taken off of the Internet. A landmark case can made from this, so that other Mentally Ill Narcissistic trolling people like you can be stopped. Dude, I even know a lawyer or two that will be help. From Facebook to personal websites, this nature of libel can be prevented. DUDE, we will call it the Allen Law. We already have decades of your posts and websites collected as evidence now, and the case is building as you make more libelous garbage. You, and others like you, will be stopped. Yeah...


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