Real? Oh Bless Your Little Retarded Heart Jamie!

Real is you stalking five people for 23 years obsessively. Real is your continued Character Assassination of them, or Libel. Real is your denial of any wrongdoing, even after you keep providing evidence to the contrary. Real is your plethora of Mental Illnesses that a new DMV Guide should be devoted to entirely. Real is the fact you prefer boys to girls. Real is the dozens of websites and Facebook posts about the people that you stalk, and still you try to claim innocence in. Real is the Back Child Support you owe for Magnus V. Real is the constant Stolen Valor that you post about..for some unknown reason. Real is the obsession for fame and glory that you think you deserve but you have never earned, not 1%. Real is the shame and disgrace that you have caused to your Adopted family from your behavior. Real is the continued harassment you cause on those you stalk online to this day. Real is the total lack of humanity that you possess about others as you try to puff yourself up higher into that empty ego of yours. Real is how you were FOR Russia's attacks on the people of the Ukraine not long ago and now suddenly you switched sides and views. YOU ARE FAKE AND INSANE DUDE!


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