Her Maggot Styx - WE DON'T CARE WHAT YOU 'KNOW'!!!!

Don't try to post about some form of 'Imposter Syndrome' BS that you are hoping that we get from your idiotic rantings. Dude, you were excluded from everything because you are mentally ill and stalk them. It is simple stuff. You were NOT 'educated' with anything to do with 'fighting in World War 1, trench warfare, naval warfare, submarine warfare, and signal and intelligence warfare' (this is a horribly written sentence dude!). You played this stuff in video games or watched it in movies and THAT WAS IT. If you were sat down in a room and questioned on all of this, one by one, you could not answer it correctly and in detail. You would be lost in terminologies and procedures alone! WW1 and its various methods of combat are now dated. Drones and a less Soldier Intrusive System is now employed, if/when possible. You live in a Fantasy World in your Schitzophrenic mind. Mwahahaahahaaha! 'Classified briefings'? About what dude? Really? Spill the beans. As I posted earlier today, you cannot keep a secret. If your Pet Project 'Beyond War' leaked out so easily to the World then there is NO way this seven decade old data could remain hidden either! Stop trying to pretend to harbor precious knowledge to appear so important and High Priority, and raise your lowly existence upwards. It won't happen. After all, when you do so, the Authorities show up expecting you to pay those many debts that you owe, and then you say it is 'extortion!' So which is it dude? Do you have these actual deeds and claims, and resulting profits, or not? You live inside that diseased head of yours and act out those many sick fantasies and then post them online expecting the naive to believe them all. Your 'logic' is, to doubt or attempt to deduce the facts in your 'story'is an assault on US Law, International Laws and the rest! What a lunatic! It is called credentials and integrity and you have none. You make everything up and assume people will simple believe it by your posts and sloppy and terrible websites. You possess no other evidence to support claims. None. You have never 'watched men die from sarin, M1A1 Abrams burn and die' and the other worthless claims. ZERO. You post these megalomanic and melodramatic posts trying to sound epic, intense and oh so serious but you end up just being a jobless retard in a Step Mom's house living by a golf course. You ARE a messenger! To all of the Mentally Ill out there - GET HELP! Or you will end up like James Arnold Allen, nearly homeless but always jobless and a wasted life!


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