You Aren't 'Formal'. You are an Idiot.

If you are a 'President' of these Make Believe companies, then I am the King of Paradise with a Haram that tends to my every need dude! Jimbo, I know someone who was with you in 2008, in Ada, in your own Step Mommy's house that overheard you the day when you first came up with the lame idea for the name of 'Shadowdancers'. I won't say their name to keep their identity safe, but they were allowed into your Step-Mom's house with you on that very afternoon. This isn't made up or anything. Then within a few years, you SUDDENLY added that name to your other Make Believe companies and online sites too, and then worked backwards to reinvent history, as all Narcissists do, to create a new version out of nowhere. But, like all Narcissists, you forget that there has to be evidence, one way or the other, it doesn't just appear and then your insistence to the contrary cannot prove it into existence. What that does is, is show your guilt and the lies involved. Evidence dude. Without it and everything is wild claims. Militech was stolen from Cyberpunk, and is fictional too. All of it. Registered means nothing. BEYOND WAR and SANGUINE are not products because nothing exists with their name or fixed value on them dude. They are in your mind and delusions. You don't have a 'multi-book franchise', mwahahaahaha! If those poorly written, tiny chap-books on Amazon are what you are classifying as that is the You have nothing worth stealing and nothing of value to price. Real companies won't waste their time on you. Your constant delusions to seek fame and recognition with them and others is relentless. Because dude, we Fact Check you and them and everything and YOU DON'T EXIST. Instead, you keep making excuses for losing these $ Trillion Dollar projects to others, never your own actions. In Real Life, you are a penniless loser living in isolation in your Step Mom's house by the golf course in Ada, a population of less than 15,000 people. No one knows who you are in the professional world at all. It can't be something modest or humble with you, it has be be major international matters, with billions and millions of dollars and entire nations at stake! Oh yeah! Dude, this entire matter comes down to: a.) Ms. Peterson had your kid, b.) You were unfit mentally to be around Magnus, c.) They carfully took him away and left for Texas, d.) Now Magnus is an Adult and you haven't stopped obsessing about it 23 years later, e.) You now owe Back Child Pay after claiming to have these Multi-Million Dollar Companies and so much power. SO STOP WHINING AND BE A MAN.


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