
Showing posts from August, 2023

Stop Trying to Be Deep About Your Stupid Project Dude!

No one cares about 'Beyond Bore'. You haven't published anything about it, released anything of note in any Industry (Computer Gaming, TTRPGs, Literary, etc) that concerns this ridiculous childish project. It is never getting made. Ever. You blame everyone and everything but yourself on it's lack of completion and release. If you didn't waste ALL of your time stalking your victims and posting about them online, you could have made progress on this stupid project Jimbo. It isn't deep, or influencing anything or anyone out there at all. It never has or will. No one has copied you because your 'ideas' are worse than a Grade Schooler's on Minecraft. You rig together stolen notions and ideas from others and spend time telling everyone what 'Beyond War' is LIKE, and still manage to have the nerve to declare that it isn't a 'derived work'. You have stolen from your stalking victims and everyone else that comes in contact with you, direct

Deflection and Projection are your two words Mr. Stryx!

Everyone is a 'Pedo' to you, which displays a constant projection of your innermost thoughts, and at the same time dude, it reveals a deflection of everything that you had been accused of in the past as well. Odd how that works. There is a reason why children are kept away from you. Why Magnus was denied your presence. It is still obvious so many decades later as you hurl wild claims to everyone, but yourself, as being pedophiles and every variation of this. In your constant descent from Sanity, you reveal how dangerous that you are to the World on your Facebook posts. You call everyone Nazis yet you support Trump and consider it some type of evil if they are against him. It is without doubt that he and his most devoted Cult followers, are all White Nationalists and KKK and just terrible Neo-Nazis...and here you are! Trump is all over your recent posts again. You can't be on both sides of the mudslinging fence there Jimbo. Which is it? You do indeed belong isolated, exiled

What 'Old Guard'? Dude, you are a Drama Queen and Compulsive Liar!

You have NO Top Secret military or Computer Security industry knowledge. None. A 'warfighter'? Isn't that a redundant word? Doesn't the word 'war' already define someone who 'fights'? You just live in your own Self-Made Fantasy World. You rant on Facebook and your stupid websites trying to belittle people, using terrible condescending language, but in truth, you are just Cycling in one of your many Manic fits. You are not privy to any Secret Military, Intelligence or Law Enforcement knowledge or ever will be. You have been so mentally incapable of functioning on a Basic Level since college now for so long, that you cannot imagine what life is like for the rest of us. You use dramatic phrases, words and cinematic ideas, stolen from movies, to enhance your own personal ego and Narcissism, and you cannot understand the line that divides Fact and Fiction. In reality, you sit forever endlessly with a cat or two, watch Anime on your computer or TV, stalk your

What is the Coincidence?

You have pets and clients and they ALL die? The common factor is YOU. No one else. You constantly blame these shadowy people that you have obsessively stalked for decades and have endless websites dedicated too. It is clear and without a doubt that you, Jimmy, are mentally unfit to be around others, animal or fellow Human, because they all end up sickly or dead over time. You share the common trait with Psycopathic Killers by the way. The remorseless actions of harming animals, threatening people and stalking them. You have been told over and over to Cease and Desist these websites and Facebook posts about them, and you constantly find your own little Jimbo Stryxian 'loop-holes' to keep at it. Dude, day in and out, you are the one who is around these animals and 'clients', NO ONE ELSE. You can fabricate a million conspiracies but in the end, it comes down to you. Why would you maim animals, talk about Sexual cruelty non-stop, Child Trafficking and other sick things? Rea

Jimmy the Bastard.

It has come to our attention that you had over the many decades, called, emailed and interferred in the jobs and careers of the people that you obsess about, you know, Beal, Young, et al countless times. You have tried to get them fired on many occasions. We have the receipts now dude!!! This goes back to the early 2000s. You have spun your many lies and stories about them like the whiney little Bitch that you are, hiding in your Step Mommy's home by the golf course making up stories, the same ones you do today. Your victims have told me just recently about this and it enrages me, even more than the millions of other terrible and insane things that you have done to them. They don't expect an apology from you, it is impossible from an absolute narcissistic lunatic with delusions. You cannot stop it seems. In addition to this,you have tried to claim recently on your awful sites that your victims have stolen 'ideas' from you? Really dude? You are unknown in publishing,

Stryx de Silentum? Really dude? Mwahahahaahahahahaahahahaha!

Jimbo, you can't SHUT UP! You have countless websites and Facebook pages screaming bloody murder, lying about your obsessively Stalked victims into Infinity! You accuse them of EVERYTHING that you are literally doing, to the letter and word! You are so mentally ill and unbalanced, that your delusions have now included your victims' own projects into your own never ending 'Beyond War'. You are trying to claim they are copying from you or worse, you are stealing from them and adding it to your own rants. How shameful. You have NO published works, no reputation as a Creator, Author or anyone of original ideas. NOTHING. Zero. Do you think that anyone believes your endless lies? The victims you stalk are told, screenshots are made for legal purposes now, and it is recorded. Your insane rants and claims won't go unnoticed by them. Unlike you, they are professionals, with careers. So, when we catch your lies and wild claims on their work, we pass it on to them. Their lawye


Dude. Dude, dude...these recent long-winded rants over everything. What is going on? Did you take a new medication, or stop taking it? Did some new event trigger you? You are Cycling again in the usual old manic way. Attacking the same stalked victims as before, name calling, making accusations, meanwhile playing both victim AND God at the same time. Somewhere in all of that you crammed in nonsensical crap about 'Artorius' too? What the hell? I think you have been stalking your victims again and it set you off into Lala-Land and you can't handle it. They are succeeding in life and you are a sad failure. Just a nutcase stuck in the same cesspool of life, filled with the same lies that you tell yourself and others online. You have no businesses, clients, trademarks, inventions or...anything. You are living in a Make Believe World there in Ada. I keep tabs on your victims and their lives and you show me that you are clearly stalking them all. Your posts reveal it. They could c

Dude, Get Help! What Type of Psycho Quotes Himself?

'Justice maybe blind, but it should not feign deafness or stupidity to accomplish tyranny.' - H.M Stryx, Chickasaw Nation Reservation resident and registered author (Library of Congress, Amazon and Corporation of the United States distributor Deep Layer Inc.) What does all of this crap even mean? The quote and you being an 'author'? You have NOTHING to your credit anywhere at all, except maybe those three awful 'books' you Self-Published a few years ago for your 'Beyond War' garbage. You are unknown except to the local Law Enforcement and to those who you have stalked and harassed for decades. No one knows who you are dude! Wake up. Really. Only completely wacked out Narcissists quote themselves and then expect others to KNOW who it is. Herr Magus Stryx, or Jimmy Boy, this last week, you have been back to your old long-winded rants online. Misquoting laws, handing out felonies and charges against those you stalk and harass online and really, playing I

Jimmy the Raving Gaslighter! What a Lunatic.

Dude, you were never 'in the Practice' of Psychology as a profession for soooooo many reasons. First, you barely earned your B.S in Clinical Psychology due to your crippling mental illness. Thankfully Ally helped you through it enough to complete the degree, and second, you don't have a Masters in a related field to actually work in it. So why are you lying on your massive Passive-Agressive post today? The DSM-5 is far from racist, it is a scientific guide to people with varied mental health problems, like yourself. You are the living embodiement of your own degree. You don't understand it, Hegel or Marx, so don't pretend that you do. You are not intellectually gifted enough to grasp any of it, which is why you cannot move on to Graduate School. Your GPA must be almost 2.0. Poor Water Brain... You gaslight anyone else who denies you this by calling them a'Sociopath', which is so ironic dude! How sad. You sit in a home that isn't yours, talk about an ima

Congradulations! So Brave! So Daring Jimmy Boy!


Little Soft, Scared Jimmy Boy. Hiding.

You think every IP Address is your list of Suspects dude? You are hilarious. You are also very paranoid, delusional and a sad recluse. These people you obsess about don't care or concern themselves about you. In these decades, they have lives, careers and families to deal with, NOT YOU. You are the only one that matters to you. Not them Jimbo. I saw your post, and no, all charges were dropped, so as dramatic as that was, it was made by another Narcissist like yourself. You crazies are everywhere apparently and try to harm everyone who crosses their path. Then you obsess about them because it is your only brush with fame, however fleeting... Jimmy, you were the biggest Trump Loving Racist ever and now, suddenly on your posts, you are the complete opposite. Strange dude. You went 360 on us. That is ok, we have ALL of your old posts and sites saved, and I can put them here if you want? To remind you of how FAKE YOU ARE. You were for terrible and awful things, projecting your own mise

You Can Rant ALL You Want But...

Jimbo, Baby Boy Magnus isn't coming back and there is no redemption. He is an adult now and really has no idea who you are, just WHAT you are, and that is an insane monster that is better left alone in Ada. Your endless posts about pedos, rape, Child Molestations, Trafficking and attacking the same people won't undo or change a thing. PLUS dude, it isn't getting your precious World Shattering, massive revolutionary 'Beyond War' project finished anytime soon either. Awwwwww. All that you are doing now is endlessly providing the DHS and other authorities more justification to act against you, rather than for your cause, whatever it might be. Every post you make is a cry for help alright, but not like you think. So take those Mail Order Penii and bond with them. They are as close as you will get to comfort with anything resembling another person apparently from here on. No one believes you and for good reason dude.

I Knew that If I Sat Quiet Long Enough...

Little Jimmy Boy would start his rants again online! What a retard! You know dude, the one who talks the most about not being a pedo and being into rape, is ALWAYS the one who is....and you are constantly defending yourself against it. No one else has accused you of it. No one. That is because they ALL have ignored you and don't care. You don't have clients, a Realtor, a dating life or even just a simple basic life. You hide out in your Step Mom's house obsessing over nothing and making the same haf dozen people into the repeated enemies and your foes, and you, the continued victim. Over and over again. You haven't 'invented' any special 'chip' used in PCs and there is NO documentation on it. Show it dude! Come on! What is this post about you 'not judging people' you just made? Then, it is literally ALL you do on your unlimited websites and pages? You make up stories about them and then judge them. Then you are the most shameful Weeb too. Stop ob