Deflection and Projection are your two words Mr. Stryx!

Everyone is a 'Pedo' to you, which displays a constant projection of your innermost thoughts, and at the same time dude, it reveals a deflection of everything that you had been accused of in the past as well. Odd how that works. There is a reason why children are kept away from you. Why Magnus was denied your presence. It is still obvious so many decades later as you hurl wild claims to everyone, but yourself, as being pedophiles and every variation of this. In your constant descent from Sanity, you reveal how dangerous that you are to the World on your Facebook posts. You call everyone Nazis yet you support Trump and consider it some type of evil if they are against him. It is without doubt that he and his most devoted Cult followers, are all White Nationalists and KKK and just terrible Neo-Nazis...and here you are! Trump is all over your recent posts again. You can't be on both sides of the mudslinging fence there Jimbo. Which is it? You do indeed belong isolated, exiled and outcast there, in that house, without any socializing of any sort ever. You keep going lower, and for you, that is hard to believe.
A Trumper, a Pedo, a Name Caller and Wacko. It is no surprise that you cannot find justice. Maybe you mingle with the other Trumpers more, they are equally as delusional too and have no education, and are dangerous and talk just as threatening. You might find a soulmate there, he could be in the Jan. 6th Group now! Hahahahahahaha! You DO understand that everytime that you call others names like 'pedos', with no evidence, it makes the case of you being one look that much stronger? After all, you have only obsessed about Magnus being taken from you and others accusing you of being 'Trans' and so many other things for decades now, and it doesn't make you look good. It reverses it and now you are those very things that you say others are. It is Playground Logic dude. You have NO Military knowledge to show anyone. Ever. You have NO writing skills to show anyone either. Nothing. Stop posting on Facebook like you are an 'expert' dude. You aren't about anything.


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