What 'Old Guard'? Dude, you are a Drama Queen and Compulsive Liar!

You have NO Top Secret military or Computer Security industry knowledge. None. A 'warfighter'? Isn't that a redundant word? Doesn't the word 'war' already define someone who 'fights'? You just live in your own Self-Made Fantasy World. You rant on Facebook and your stupid websites trying to belittle people, using terrible condescending language, but in truth, you are just Cycling in one of your many Manic fits. You are not privy to any Secret Military, Intelligence or Law Enforcement knowledge or ever will be. You have been so mentally incapable of functioning on a Basic Level since college now for so long, that you cannot imagine what life is like for the rest of us. You use dramatic phrases, words and cinematic ideas, stolen from movies, to enhance your own personal ego and Narcissism, and you cannot understand the line that divides Fact and Fiction. In reality, you sit forever endlessly with a cat or two, watch Anime on your computer or TV, stalk your victims and then post new conspiracies. Over, and over, and over again. If something exciting happens to you from the OUTSIDE, and it does, then it sets you off and a new batch of crazy ideas and conspiracies is made. It is the same pattern. You are predicable.
All of these people always targeting you, but you are worthless. Why would they waste their time on you? You have NO monetary value, no assets, and nothing really. Your businesses don't exist and you have no income. Clearly you can't pay Child Support, and it isn't just because you are mentally incapable, but it is because you are broke. Penniless. You are lie about everything. Every word you write is one except your name, and even that is ridiculous. Dude, just give it up! You are an empty shell of a feeble-minded person who needs to be the Ward of the State. Dude....


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