You Can Rant ALL You Want But...

Jimbo, Baby Boy Magnus isn't coming back and there is no redemption. He is an adult now and really has no idea who you are, just WHAT you are, and that is an insane monster that is better left alone in Ada. Your endless posts about pedos, rape, Child Molestations, Trafficking and attacking the same people won't undo or change a thing. PLUS dude, it isn't getting your precious World Shattering, massive revolutionary 'Beyond War' project finished anytime soon either. Awwwwww. All that you are doing now is endlessly providing the DHS and other authorities more justification to act against you, rather than for your cause, whatever it might be. Every post you make is a cry for help alright, but not like you think. So take those Mail Order Penii and bond with them. They are as close as you will get to comfort with anything resembling another person apparently from here on. No one believes you and for good reason dude.


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