Jimmy the Raving Gaslighter! What a Lunatic.

Dude, you were never 'in the Practice' of Psychology as a profession for soooooo many reasons. First, you barely earned your B.S in Clinical Psychology due to your crippling mental illness. Thankfully Ally helped you through it enough to complete the degree, and second, you don't have a Masters in a related field to actually work in it. So why are you lying on your massive Passive-Agressive post today? The DSM-5 is far from racist, it is a scientific guide to people with varied mental health problems, like yourself. You are the living embodiement of your own degree. You don't understand it, Hegel or Marx, so don't pretend that you do. You are not intellectually gifted enough to grasp any of it, which is why you cannot move on to Graduate School. Your GPA must be almost 2.0. Poor Water Brain...
You gaslight anyone else who denies you this by calling them a'Sociopath', which is so ironic dude! How sad. You sit in a home that isn't yours, talk about an imaginary job, that you don't run, and clients that you don't have, and play the perpetual victim to crimes that are not being committed to you, by people who don't care about you at all. Who is the sociopath here? Then, you whine about being excluded from conventions and events across the State because of some conspiracy against you by these people. You claim credit for a myriad of inventions, movies and other endless ideas but have nothing to show for it. NOTHING. Are you out of medication dude? Is that it? Did you miss your last counseling session? Are the Voices back? You talk about people sending you explicit things in the mail, but you don't show them. Yeah, that is trustworthy 'evidence'. Since 99.9% of everything that you have ever posted is a lie, confused by another set of lies, I can trust in that it just that. Sigh. Go back to your Kiddie Porn dude...


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