
Showing posts from March, 2024

Strix, You Are Not Above the Law Dude...

Your every retarded post on Facebook seems to imply that you are 'above the law' and you are throwing a thousand ridiculous reasons why everyone else is 'guilty' of various crimes against you instead. The irony in this is, of course, that you are guilty of everything that you are accusing of others doing. Completely. Not only can you not prove these nonsense accusations on others, which are barely even conspiracies at this point, but you seem to assume that because you are posting them, that there is an air of authority behind it all too! Sorry dudette, the Legal System doesn't work that way. What you are doing though is leaving a trail of evidence AGAINST YOU. Piles of it. Your manic episodes, blaming and accusing people of so many outrageous things can be turned against you in Court. A Judge will ask you to provide evidence and oh my...when Discovery is asked, you cannot provide it. What a scandal. Again. You would be laughed out of Court once again! Schizophrenia

Are You Retarded Dude?

I keep seeing the same stuff from you. In regards to the KEIF Low Power Radio matter, the FCC gave that station a warning about them lowering their antenna and fixing their frequency and they ignored it. 'They' being the two who ran it, the people that also run the Enid Speedway, NOT Mr. Young as you keep claiming. The FCC's warning was ignored and six monthes later the warning was sent again to KEIF. This time the fine was doubled, from $5,000 to $10,000 if they did not comply. Well guess what genius (I am being sarcastic because Jimmy, you are an idiot), by May of that year, in 2014, the FCC took them off of the aid. SO STOP LYING AND CAUSING LIBEL ABOUT MR. YOUNG ONCE AGAIN. I am recording your libelous posts so they can sue you later. He wasn't Program Manager by then at that station, and that is a story in itself that you are not worthy of knowing! You keep making up everything. 100% of everything that you post about them is WRONG in your attempts to demonize and c

Stryx isn't YOUR Word Legally!


You are Mid or Mediocre Trying to be Exceptional - And Failing Dude!

Jimbo, for your whole pititful life you have wanted to be someone major and important. Your mind, eaten up with delusions and narcissism, tells you that you are more than the sum of your existence and actions, but...this isn't true. You haven't done anything. Instead, you claim the credit for others' creations (as narcissists do) and then try to ruin others in the process. It is sad and very text-book (DSM to be exact). You impulsively post your own condition and problems online, projecting them onto your stalking victims, claiming they are 'mentally ill' or worse, without evidence or proof to back up your Facebook posts. The only evidence we need about you IS your posts, and websites and the last 22 years of constant stalking and harassment by YOU. It doesn't work the other way around dude. Sorry. You want so badly that your stalking victims to be criminals and terrible people just so that you can appear better than they are but this isn't so. It won't

Little Boy/Big Man Complex Jimmy. THAT is YOU!

You don't have a real company that sells any products and makes an income. Stop pretending. You owe a TON of Child Support so be a MAN about it and stop whining. Dude, can you stop just once and step out of that bubble of delusional Pretend long enough to be a responsible Adult? Stop obsessing and attacking your usual victims for things they didn't do (and you know it), and simply get a job. Your coddling by your Step Parents because you are Mental has you spoiled into thinking that you 'have an income' out of thin air, but you don't. The rest of us have to work and earn it the hard way. You live multiple fantasies and they all mingle together into a sick stew in your delusional mind. Then you post lengthy rants in Word Salad on Facebook and wonder why no one takes you seriously? Duh. Nothing you post is factual. Not one thing. Not about the people you obsess over. Not about your companies. Not about you. You drive away your 'intimate partners' (snicker snic

Neckbeard, Wannabe at Everything, but Fails at Everything Instead...Sad Incel Noises!

You try to lure women to be with you and then your craziness scares them away, again and again! Dude. There was a reason that Ms. Peterson took the child away in safety so long ago. Now, you can't stop talking about it over two decades later, and made a convoluted conspiracy about it, and involved people that have no idea why they are even part of your delusional fantasy. THIS is why you scare them away. I don't remember you ever posting any proof pertaining to any extortions once in these years, you are only hoping to 'get rich quick' in this wild scheme somewhere along the way. The problem, of many, is, you have companies that don't exist and have no income, so why would anyone try to extort money from you? In the 2000s, you pretended to be a wealthy business man at conventions, lying to everyone as you strolled around in suits and talked about your companies but never once proved that you could deliver the goods. Then the bubble burst when Trick-Con-Treat asked y

You are Not Military or Law Enforcement. You are Effete.

Jimmy, you are Stolen Valor on EVERYTHING. From the military, to Law, Game Design and more. You have no claim to credit on anything or any one claim to fame. So stop it. We all know, and you too that it is lies. Your narcissism is never ending. Instead wasting time lying about all of this, why don't you do some of these things for real? That is how it is done. All of it. You have three terribly 'written' little booklets that you Self Published on Amazon not long ago...and that is it. There is nothing for Warhammer or Vampire: The Masquarade, or anything else to your credit. It is empty. Your name was entered on Search on everything and you never came up ONCE. The only sites and links that did were....well my blogs and your libelous sites about others, trying to slam them over the DECADES. Not one valid publication, video game project or...anything. Ever. You are a liar of the highest order. You don't run companies and make and sell products. You pretend that you do. It

Dudette, Why Do You Keep Posting Libelous Things?

To begin with that stuff about Mr. Young was ALL dismissed COMPLETELY. It was set up by other mentally ill people, kind of like yourself, and bounced out of Court soon afterwards. That Council Person had been harassing him for 15 years dude and was a piece of work herself! His own wife was a narcotic and alcoholic nutcase and had a long history of trouble and she and that Council Person conspired, along with a few others, against him. So dude, stop trying to join in years after the fact, or you too will be added to the Conspiracy Charge that is now pending on them all since 2018. I am not lying! You can check the Oklahoma Court Dockets. His record is CLEAN. Ms. Wilson is an absolute nutcase like yourself. She is greatly disliked in Enid, as I have heard, and her name and reputation, before and since that, are dismal. You are just like her! I suggest you stop posting that same, tired news snippet of that, or you will be added to the overall charge. This is serious stuff Jimmy! You wonde

Herr Magus Stryx - You are the Most Mentally Ill Dude Ever!

Your whiny Man Baby posts about 'abuse' this and that at the hand of the same people reads dull. I know that your brief relationship went sour, but you sort of knew that it wasn't going to last. Look dude, it is with the likes of YOU! The ULTIMATE VICTIM and ULTIMATE TOUGH GUY! Narcissist Supreme. Not only have you NOT influenced Hollywood and TV (somehow), but your life has also NOT influenced World Events (somehow), and all of these people at the Soonercon Syndicate have NOT been busy conspiring against you for over a decade (somehow). None of it makes sense. You keep changing your story and accusations while never providing proof and evidence. Only in your sick and delusional mind does it seem to exist. We, that is me, Josiah, and your stalked victims that you endlessly name and accuse, often fear that you will take up a gun and hunt everyone down to shoot them all someday. I guess that you don't read your posts like we do over decades dude. Yikes! You are potentiall

Stop Demonizing Others and GET A LIFE JAMES ARNOLD ALLEN!

The purpose of this and my original page in 2013 was to tell you dude, that everyone is sick and tired of you naming them as some type of attacker or whatever the 'flavour of the week' is in your sick mind! Give up this stalking. It is libelous, from the very beginning to this very day. You are just fortunate that they haven't jointly sued your poor White ass for it! You have their names posted on dozens of sites and Facebook posts and groups. If I check, it isn't the other way around...odd how that works Jimmy. You can easily undo all of it in an instant and show the naysayers that you are sane and not mentally ill! But you can't, because you are completely ill. Your Usual Suspects that you cannot stop from naming and incriminating in capital letters JAMES ARNOLD ALLEN, don't generally think about you every day and definitely don't post about you at all. Ever. So what does this mean? It means that this doesn't go both ways. You have been the stalker. Hi

Dude, We Are Aware That She Finally Was Sick of You Too!

Strixy, dude, you finally took our advice and found someone and she hot! But given time and Ms. Wolf saw what a raging lunatic that you are too. How sad. Your delusional mind, twisted by lies and a massive Victim Complex is too much. Paranoia about everyone and how you are the perpetual victim would be too much for anyone that has any logic and patience. I am sure that Diane tried to curb your insane posts. We watched. You would post wild and unfounded nonsense and then edit them or delete all together, all due to her intervention. After a while she had enough. You are consumed by this massive inner insanity, and ALL OF IT LIES TOLD TO YOURSELF. You are not a CEO. You are not a targeted victim of many conspiracies. You are not the influence behind the Matrix and other movies. Your constantly named people (Beal, Young, Peterson, et al) are not who you say/think they are at all. Nothing is as it seems. In fact YOU are the mentally ill one. Very. Your obsession over these pe