Dude, We Are Aware That She Finally Was Sick of You Too!

Strixy, dude, you finally took our advice and found someone and she is...er...was hot! But given time and Ms. Wolf saw what a raging lunatic that you are too. How sad. Your delusional mind, twisted by lies and a massive Victim Complex is too much. Paranoia about everyone and how you are the perpetual victim would be too much for anyone that has any logic and patience. I am sure that Diane tried to curb your insane posts. We watched. You would post wild and unfounded nonsense and then edit them or delete all together, all due to her intervention. After a while she had enough. You are consumed by this massive inner insanity, and ALL OF IT LIES TOLD TO YOURSELF. You are not a CEO. You are not a targeted victim of many conspiracies. You are not the influence behind the Matrix and other movies. Your constantly named people (Beal, Young, Peterson, et al) are not who you say/think they are at all. Nothing is as it seems. In fact YOU are the mentally ill one. Very. Your obsession over these people is unfounded and unproven and still sad. It has eaten you up. These people have functional lives, professional ones and achievements that you can never compare too, and you want it sooooo bad! It will never happen. We kept our distance while you were blissfully 'in love', ahhhhhhh, but alas, we knew it wasn't going to last. Today when we saw your usual posts, we knew that the Old Herr Magus Stryx was back! Yes dude! You have driven another away because you are insane, and now you are again out to demonize and criminalize the Usual Suspects for your own short comings, which are plenty...
She was brave, Ms. Wolf, for being around you that long! Unlike you, she left England and came over here and then met you, the most mentally ill and immature Man-Child in hundreds of miles, who has no culture or experiences beyond Ada. You have made life beyond that tiny valley town impossible for yourself because you are so mental. We rolled our collective eyes on your posts from day to day as you were trying to immasculate yourself by pretending to be an important person (i.e., the Key Bridge collapse). Everything that you have written in your new rants about the Usual Suspects is: wrong, reversed, outdated and completely incorrect, and only their names is correct dude. That shows how how terrible at even stalking that you are! Some of your alleged information or 'facts' on these people is a decade or more old and it is STILL wrong! If this how you gather research data, it is no surprise that you can't finish your 'Beyond War' or...anything! If I were in Ms. Wolf's place, I would have left you sooner, like in a day. Dude, you are a loser! No one sabotaged this BUT YOU.


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