Strix, You Are Not Above the Law Dude...

Your every retarded post on Facebook seems to imply that you are 'above the law' and you are throwing a thousand ridiculous reasons why everyone else is 'guilty' of various crimes against you instead. The irony in this is, of course, that you are guilty of everything that you are accusing of others doing. Completely. Not only can you not prove these nonsense accusations on others, which are barely even conspiracies at this point, but you seem to assume that because you are posting them, that there is an air of authority behind it all too! Sorry dudette, the Legal System doesn't work that way. What you are doing though is leaving a trail of evidence AGAINST YOU. Piles of it. Your manic episodes, blaming and accusing people of so many outrageous things can be turned against you in Court. A Judge will ask you to provide evidence and oh my...when Discovery is asked, you cannot provide it. What a scandal. Again. You would be laughed out of Court once again! Schizophrenia, paranoia, narcissism and your other mental health problems are all crashing in at once online after Ms. Wolf left you. We don't blame her really. You are a sad case of a person...if a person you are. You cannot blame the people that you have obsessively stalked for 23 years for your own problems that you created. They barely knew that you had a relationship until you didn't. After all, you have spent over two decades trying to destroy their lives and it is your own that is being ruined. Duh. It comes back to haunt you Herr Magus Strix.
I have asked you hundreds of times to take every accusation and post of everyone offline since 2013 and you refuse to, and instead you have made it worse. Your mental illness has increased by five to ten times. You are only harming yourself in this online stalking and harassing others. Not them. They barely know what is going on with you except by second hand information mostly dude! Get it? Facebook is flooded, spammed, by your insanity, again! You are not a lawyer, Legal Scholar, Judge, or have any connection to the Legal System. So stop trying to quote it. It is cringy. Just go back to playing your video games and leave everyone alone...please!


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