Little Boy/Big Man Complex Jimmy. THAT is YOU!

You don't have a real company that sells any products and makes an income. Stop pretending. You owe a TON of Child Support so be a MAN about it and stop whining. Dude, can you stop just once and step out of that bubble of delusional Pretend long enough to be a responsible Adult? Stop obsessing and attacking your usual victims for things they didn't do (and you know it), and simply get a job. Your coddling by your Step Parents because you are Mental has you spoiled into thinking that you 'have an income' out of thin air, but you don't. The rest of us have to work and earn it the hard way. You live multiple fantasies and they all mingle together into a sick stew in your delusional mind. Then you post lengthy rants in Word Salad on Facebook and wonder why no one takes you seriously? Duh. Nothing you post is factual. Not one thing. Not about the people you obsess over. Not about your companies. Not about you. You drive away your 'intimate partners' (snicker snicker). You are hilarious! You destroy your own life while trying to ruin others and it is ironic. I had asked you to stop in 2013 and you didn't and now look at you. Usually you mentally ill types all do this. You are blind to your own actions completely. While you try to use the most wordy, intellectual language possible in your nonsense rants on Facebook, it amounts to garbage. Your use of Legalese is absolutely wrong. Your understanding of how Felonious crimes are handled is worse. It seems that you have built yourself a little pillow fort and no one can harm you inside it but you can lash out at them and are invincible and none of this works both ways! But dude, everything you rant about only applies to you, not your stalking victims. You are the libelous one, using their names in a terrible manner online, trying to constantly portray them as awful people conspiring against you, the list is endless. In fact, go on to the Oklahoma Court Dockets system and look them all up! I dare you. You will see that none of them have any criminal histories that you attribute or wish on them. How sad. You however were stopped once for drugs while driving and have tried to have it expunged, and this doesn't even count the DUI charge against you! Interesting. There is a difference between NEVER having being charged and commited a crime and being charged and trying to get it expunged dude! You had been so obsessed with making these poor people out to be criminals when they weren't for decades and they can sue you for libel since you have posted it on Facebook and on various sites. Expect lawyers to contact you soon about that...
You Mentally Ill Narcissists are all the same and predictable. The Ultimate Victim and Ultimate Person as well on both extremes. Pitiful. Jimmy, you have the Little Boy/Big Man Complex and it will never go away. Not one post that you make is factual, and we all know this, you included. I suggest that you watch that Police Cam video of you again, especially the part inside his car with the Dispatch. That is the most telling about YOU. These were outsiders who didn't know you and they still think the same thing! You are a nutter.


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