Herr Magus Stryx - You are the Most Mentally Ill Dude Ever!

Your whiny Man Baby posts about 'abuse' this and that at the hand of the same people reads dull. I know that your brief relationship went sour, but you sort of knew that it wasn't going to last. Look dude, it is with the likes of YOU! The ULTIMATE VICTIM and ULTIMATE TOUGH GUY! Narcissist Supreme. Not only have you NOT influenced Hollywood and TV (somehow), but your life has also NOT influenced World Events (somehow), and all of these people at the Soonercon Syndicate have NOT been busy conspiring against you for over a decade (somehow). None of it makes sense. You keep changing your story and accusations while never providing proof and evidence. Only in your sick and delusional mind does it seem to exist. We, that is me, Josiah, and your stalked victims that you endlessly name and accuse, often fear that you will take up a gun and hunt everyone down to shoot them all someday. I guess that you don't read your posts like we do over decades dude. Yikes! You are potentially dangerous. I think Ms. Wolf realized this and fled away after your endless insane rants about everyone, and never giving substantial evidence. All she had to do was look up everyone, especially in the Oklahoma Court Docket system and other means and see that everyone is CLEAR and INNOCENT. It is you that is eaten up by this unhealthy concoction of made-up stories that mostly date over 15+ years or more to assumed 'wrongs' to you. Which in reality were merely people popping your delusions or lies made to others, or simply avoiding you for their own safety. In one case, one of your stalking victims here that you name has only met you in person barely 3-4 times ever and it was hardly for longer than thirty minutes each time! The others you might know on a more personal basis.
I guess that it is better for everyone that you are in that little valley of Ada, hidden away from the rest of Oklahoma and the country. That keeps us all safer dude! I can work on my projects with my family in Ardmore and make sure that my version of your 'Beyond War' stuff gets to the masses in a more adult and skilled manner professionally. I have used it before and will again. Stryxina, its out there now and has been since my first blog about you in 2013. That was how I paid to live in Scandinavia and met my wonderful wife. The rest is history. Now, I can hop in the car and drive to Ada if I want and go down to those same bars that you were at, and see you get threatened again...and maybe pay some more bikers to do worse this next time. The last time it happened, I was standing at the doorway drinking a lager watching it ALL! It was worth it. You don't remember me there? Oh, of course not, you were getting bullied by gay bikers, we call them Bears...


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