
Showing posts from September, 2024

Jamie, Delete EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYONE Then We Know Your Intentions are 'True.'

Until then, it is still stalking and libelous conduct after 23 years. This is from all of your crappy websites and Facebook pages. Every single one of them. You and we all know that you are simply acting out without evidence in anger, driven by your mental illnesses and nothing more. Until that is done completely, me, Josiah Deutch, is going nowhere. Does this bother you? Awwwww, maybe you should think of the consequences of your actions before you do or say them dude? No one likes to have lies told about them, no matter how wild and baseless they are, and you have been spreading them for 23 years. What is fair for one, is fair for the other too. It goes both ways. There is an old Greek play this reminds me of...

Little Felonia Tries to Talk Kittens and Rainbows But We All Know Differently...Don't WE?


Jimbo, I TRY To Take a Break From YOU. But You are So Ridiculous...Sigh.

I think the only 'collection' of books anyone has to read before dealing with the likes of you is shown below. You are an idiot. You post those legal and otherwise manner of books, trying to be oh so serious but you are a bumbling fool. You are not a lawyer, in Law Enforcement, a Judge, Legal Scholar, or anything similar. You barely graduated college with your piddly little BS in Clinical Psychology, due in part to a major assistance by Ms. Allycat. This was when your severe Mental Illnesses were settling in and you are clearly incapable of even feeding yourself, and surely unable to write and compose a small 500 word paper assignment for a 1000 Level Undergrad Course. Dude, stop trying to puff yourself up. You are not protected by those many layers of imaginary 'Legal Walls' like you think. No more than anyone else in Reality. Get real. You expect people to be so ignorant of the facts and details enough to constantly lie to them? You are not in some Top Secret Computer

Dude, NOTHING Can Get You Out of Debt But Paying It! Be a MAN!

You try to weasle your way out of paying anything that you owe or being responsible. There is NO Extortion. It is debt that you rightfully owe. Misquoting laws with a bias in your assumed favor won't dodge those debts Girly Man. Much less, in that garbled Legal language that you try so hard to make in your arguement. To us, and actual Legal Experts, what you write looks like this: Blah, Blah, Section 3.0 (Buffalo Nards Article, Swollen Testes STATE OF DENIAL), and DISTRICT OF MY UNDERPANTS, COURT OF YOUR CAT'S ASTERIX, is a Violation of Code Pimple (66.6 USSR 1984), by 'Use of MMORPG. SEE also TITLE VX D 'Stuff I Made Up While High' and 'Mental Illnesses and Me.' Dude, we could go on. You can't hide behind some invisible wall of 'Criminal Code, Title 21 Section 21-843.3' and call it all a 'Felony' after dedicating 23 years of stalking people and libeling them on your endless websites and Facebook thinking that you are immune! Are you THAT

I Can Say MORE About You in Fewer Words Jamie Than You Can About Us.


Get Professional Help and Medication Jimmy!


Dude, Just Give It Up! Please!


Are You on Crack Jimmy? Is that it? Crack? Or another Manic Attack?

Paranoid driven posts, full of wild delusions and accusasions devoid of any evidence, just your 'I am seeing' and 'so and so did this or that' hearsay riddled comments. Dude, NONE of this is evidence of a single thing, except that you are a lunatic. Blaming what or whoever your paranoid addled mind chooses isn't proof. It never has been and never will be, just because your many Mental Illnesses tell you so. I can make up things all day long too and say that YOU did them to me, but that doesn't make them true, or any more true if I posted them a thousand times. Once you have undoubted hard evidence however, then everything changes, but you don't. Your Shitzophrenia does all of the typing for you, making the paranoid conspiracies up as you go along, filling in the blanks. To you, everything that happens to you that is negative is a Mad Lib game, and these people that you have obsessed about for 23 years are the answers for those empty spaces, always, and that

Even Your Staff Are Armed? With What Dude? Fancy Feast?


Jimmy Boy, you are Clearly Retarded and Libelous Too!

First thing, this was the SECOND alleged attempt on that Orange Shitgibbon's life, not third, and Second, no one assuredly sent you anything to your 'office' from both Mr. Young or Beal. Unless of course, you, in your Schizophrenic-minded desperation, are trying soooooo hard to link all other National events to your own Narcissistic and Egotistic driven mentality, AND vicariously further libel and incriminate them (without ONE piece of evidence). Jamie Boy, you are a complete lunatic. Do you think more wild posts on Facebook, after trying to demonize and discredit Ms. Wolf, as well as the usual stalked suspects, will make your accusations more believable? You never give any evidence ever, only libelous accusations. Like an angry little child from a bad day at school, who won't shut up because they lost the Popularity Contest. You spew the same tired rhetoric, naming people that barely know you, or care, and expect the vague Legal Authorities to listen to your whiny plea

Your ONLY Competion Is YOU.

It sounds deep but it isn't. Your crippling mental illnesses deny you a normal life. So you pretend, as most nuts like you do, online, because it is all about appearances to those who don't know any differently. Dishonesty is how your type make it by every day because your minds are broken. You cheat, lie, use trickery and any dubious means you can, to play on others and victimize those you can't fool in turn. We know your type. Con-Artists, Grifters and Fraudsters. After all dude, isn't it YOU that is making all of those accusations on others constantly? While they remain silent for the most part? Because the truth needs to not defend itself, only lies get fiercely fought over, and over, and over...again. Dude, I am here to bring everything together as satire and a perspective, but guess what? I am not any one of them, but I DO know them. I am the Advocate and Voice of Reason here - for you. You are perpetually defending yourself with evidence that doesn't exist, c

Jimmy is Clowncore.


Jamie Boy, You DO have Convictions and Pending Charges and So Much More Going On. Why Lie? Are You...Worried?

Let's see here dude, that DUI from the early 2012-13 period that you had Expunged from your record (and openly admitted to the Police on that infamous Cam Video), and now that Child Support that you owe going back over 23 years, AND now the Social Security Fraud that is under investigation related to your shady 'business' dealings, and soon the VERY FRAUDULANT means you went about to gain money claiming that you were a Vet and had used those Ear-Pieces. There is more. Is your guilt speaking dude? Because it sure sounds like it to me. So why are you lying on Facebook about being so innocent? Do you think in your mentally ill mind that is TRUTH or FACTS, and that strangers on your Friends List, etc will believe it at Face Value? You LOVE throwing around 'doing this against me is a felony' or that, but in REALITY, it doesn't really work that way as we all know. You are a lunatic. You lie, spread misinformation and wild conspiracies about the people you stalk and ex