Jamie Boy, You DO have Convictions and Pending Charges and So Much More Going On. Why Lie? Are You...Worried?

Let's see here dude, that DUI from the early 2012-13 period that you had Expunged from your record (and openly admitted to the Police on that infamous Cam Video), and now that Child Support that you owe going back over 23 years, AND now the Social Security Fraud that is under investigation related to your shady 'business' dealings, and soon the VERY FRAUDULANT means you went about to gain money claiming that you were a Vet and had used those Ear-Pieces. There is more. Is your guilt speaking dude? Because it sure sounds like it to me. So why are you lying on Facebook about being so innocent? Do you think in your mentally ill mind that is TRUTH or FACTS, and that strangers on your Friends List, etc will believe it at Face Value? You LOVE throwing around 'doing this against me is a felony' or that, but in REALITY, it doesn't really work that way as we all know. You are a lunatic. You lie, spread misinformation and wild conspiracies about the people you stalk and expect swift and magical justice just because the voices in your rotting head tell you so. It is bold of you to indirectly to admit to having NPD (Narcissitic Personality Disorder), because that, added to your severe Schitzophrenia, is what is largely causing ALL of this since before the year 2000. Dude, your wacko accusations of others is just a continual stream of Self-Admitting and Confessions, or a cry for help. We get it. Your typo and grammatical ridden rants, with their grand and lofty language and claims make it evident. You can't be humble or a functioning and decent person, you know, like the rest of us. You have to attack, accuse and throw ridiculous Criminal Charges instead. None of which make sense and that you have any understanding of either! You constantly feel like you have to answer to your stalking victims for how you mistreat them, but also blaming them and redirecting the various events that you caused to fall into their laps and making it all their fault. You are a scared and frightened, isolated Man-Baby, that has to constantly be on the attack. Although it is you who is causing the problems, and your victims react to the terrible things that you have done. It is a continual circle. You act like naming people marks them as GUILTY. It doesn't. It makes you guilty dude. It is one more time that you libel them and can be noted as obsessing as their stalker. Get a life! You are the Narcissist who thinks that his life, imaginary businesses and make-believe creations and past are far more superior to those who DO possess the real thing. How egotistical is that? You have NO hard evidence to show otherwise, so you keep at it, talking about imaginary competition and rivals in the business. Dude, you have NO business.Our pets have more going for them then you do! You just post about 99% lies and imaginary garbage!


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