Dude, NOTHING Can Get You Out of Debt But Paying It! Be a MAN!

You try to weasle your way out of paying anything that you owe or being responsible. There is NO Extortion. It is debt that you rightfully owe. Misquoting laws with a bias in your assumed favor won't dodge those debts Girly Man. Much less, in that garbled Legal language that you try so hard to make in your arguement. To us, and actual Legal Experts, what you write looks like this: Blah, Blah, Section 3.0 (Buffalo Nards Article, Swollen Testes STATE OF DENIAL), and DISTRICT OF MY UNDERPANTS, COURT OF YOUR CAT'S ASTERIX, is a Violation of Code Pimple (66.6 USSR 1984), by 'Use of MMORPG. SEE also TITLE VX D 'Stuff I Made Up While High' and 'Mental Illnesses and Me.' Dude, we could go on. You can't hide behind some invisible wall of 'Criminal Code, Title 21 Section 21-843.3' and call it all a 'Felony' after dedicating 23 years of stalking people and libeling them on your endless websites and Facebook thinking that you are immune! Are you THAT insane? Pay your debts and stop hiding in your pillow fort like a child!


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