
Showing posts from August, 2024

Dude, Until You REMOVE Everything From Your Sites and Facebook Pages. We aren't Leaving!

Reversing your weak excuse to justify why you feel it is 'ok' to libel and post photos of your Stalking Victims for 23 years, we will do the same thing, but without all of the misquoted Legal Jargon. Jimbo, you know deep down in your mentally ill brain that what you are doing and have done is wrong. Ethically and morally, but you continue anyway. You have crossed the line so many times there is no going back, right? Well, it takes you deleting and merely getting rid of everything completely and utterly. I was on your terrible site last night and you have tried your worse with Conspiracies and lies, libeling everyone that you could, hoping something would stick. Aside from your website being poorly made, and unusable in a Legal context, you tried to weave everyone into any random thing. Nothing you post about them however is factual. Zero. You have no evidence. No Court Records or substance to back your claims, only your childish finger-pointing or hearsay. We, though,

Dude, Don't Try To Scandalize Others' Lives, Especially Since You Know NOTHING About Them!

You are a shame. A living and breathing one. Dude, I spoke with Mr. Young and you have everything wrong. Completely. See Jamie boy, he and his late first wife had Separated by 2005 due to her infidelity and he was introduced to Ms. Chiles in 2007. She moved in in less than three months later and then began her drunken and violent exploits for the next three years. THAT is for another time to cover in detail dude! However, By 2010, Mr Young had enough of Ms. Chiles' behavior and abuse and broke up with her, kicking her out. His, now, late first wife didn't even start getting health problems until October of 2010 and eight months later, passed away on May 30th in 2011. This was LONG after Ms. Chiles was living with some dude in OKC, causing him havoc, getting drunk and getting put into jail for more terrible behavior. Jimbo, until you KNOW the people that you claim to stalk and obsess about, SHUT THE HELL UP! I have given you a sample of the whole story here, just a small part. Y

Imagine if Jamie was a Lawyer or Something.

He stumbles over Legal terms, Charges and handing them out to others like malicious gifts, but has no understanding that only those in Law Enforcement must be trained and entrusted to do so, and then dispense with the charges and fines or punishments. In his newest post he even claims to have 'read the Law more than anyone I know who has not passed the Oklahoma Bar Exam.' Dude, that isn't how it works. This isn't the James Allen Legal System. Sorry. You are severely mentally ill. It takes a complete stranger just 5-10 minutes with you to see that and realize that you are not well. You have cloaked your many problems and mental and intellectual insecurities with an invented version of Jamesian Legalese and that is dangerous, because dude, it mixes with your Narcissism and empowers you. You are completely unbound and not treated for your many problems. You can't do 'Background Checks' because you don't have a job, or even an occupation. You do everything y

We Would Show His Hand, But Ewwwwwww.....


The End of Summer but not the End of Jimbo's Stalking....


You Know, Some Clown Cars Fit Many, But James' Car Needs Only HIM.


Dude, Mr. Stalker....What BS Are you Trying to Flush This Time?

Sorry Closet Gay, but there is NO Domestic Violence on behalf of Mr. Young, so stop trying to demonize him. We know that he makes you feel so intimidated, it is OBVIOUS! Kimberly Joyce Chiles was a raging and violent alcoholic, compulsive liar AND Mr. Young and his first wife were Separated by then, but hey, what do you KNOW, you have never been married, or have a relationship last longer than you could attempt to stalk and rape them? Ms. Chiles is a Hobosexual, you know, someone that sleazes her way into someone's house because she is too insane to work and own one of her own homes. But hey dude, we just have ALL of these facts lying around. Her actual husband later was a fugitive pedophile from Florida, on the run for a decade until the Marshalls caught him. Ms. Chiles KNEW this all along. That means SO DID YOU. You have no understanding of facts regarding the Stalking Victims that you have obsessed over for 23 years, AND you have no scruples too about the people that you claim t

Dude, Are You Victorian? Because ALL You Do is Gaslight Others?

It is clear that you are trying Damage Control now after the end with Ms. Wolf, to make yourself look astute and have your act together, but you are still in Make Believe Land. Everything that you write and claim is fictional and made up. You have no basis of facts and you know it. You have no office, employees, or anything. It is just you in your Step-Mom's house, unemployed and aimless in life, trying to appear more than you really are for others (who might be reading). WE KNOW. If you have 30+ people to worry about then you probably have caused them all grief too dude. We can only think about barely ten. What you do to others outside of the few that you have obsessed over for 23 years, we don't know anything about - but would like to! You misinterpret Laws, Psychology and everything naively but try to sound authoritative on it, which is the way all Narcissistic nimrods behave. They feed off of the ignorance of others who might be reading or listening to the

What a Clown You Are Closet Boy.


Dude, You Have a BS in Clinical Psychology. You Can't 'Practice' ANYTHING. Get Real.

Stop trying to sound important again and Deflecting your plethora of completely inaccurate Psychological sounding Word Salad on Facebook just to be condescending. You cannot ever 'practice Psychology' in anyway, shape or form. Not until your have a Graduate Level Degree! Besides, it was Allycat that helped you pass that first degree because you are so mentally feeble. There is NO way you could even accomplish the second or third Post-Graduate level dgree in the field You are too mentally unfit and unstable. You are babbling nonsense and trying to use movies as your 'go-to' for how to connect Psychological Themes but dude, that isn't how it works. NONE of it. You have a major Narcissistic Syndrome mixed with Schitzophrenia and every post openly reveals this and you transpose it onto others, admitting it without noticing each time. You simply tell everyone that you have these said problems because you know dude. YOU KNOW. In the Profession of Psychology, a Bachelors i

You are Incapable of Having a Mental Breakdown Because....

...everyday you have one! You are mentally out of control with conspiracies, paranoid thoughts and unnatural suspicions and motives. Your posts reveal them and dude, it is rather scary. Thankfully you never act on them. I think that you being a coward has been good for your Stalking Victims and their livelihoods. You haven't been brave enough to confront them face to face, but instead bully them online, as most Keyboard Warriors do. You talk tough online about being skilled in 'military this and that' and other similar lies, but you are a nancy boy or girly man, a sissy. You bugger boys in closets as we now know. That is ok, but don't pretend to be both at the same time dude. Choose one and stick to it. Admit it and move on and leave everyone else ALONE. No wonder Ms. Wolf was fed up with you! It wasn't just your lies and inability to keep your shallow promises, but your secrets too, THOSE SECRETS.

Deflecting and More Wild Rants!

Poor Narcissistic, Schitzophrenic lunatic Jimmy Boy, posting lengthy rants on Facebook! Are you having a major Manic Episode again dude? You know that you can't rightfully have ANY 'Defamation Lawsuit' towards anyone so long as you have persisted with your websites and Facebook pages up about other people? Right dude? You have dedicated 23 years to demonizing a set group of people and it is WELL DOCUMENTED. So, you will have trouble justifying any claims to the contrary against you. If it were them however, the case is clear and you are doomed, and someday it might be. Posting libelous content has been your MO since 2001 in every possible way for too long, and you have obsessed over it. Is it the slow change in the Seasons and weather? You and another Narcissitic Wacko we know is acting up too, and both of you are getting very rowdy lately. Probably no one is taking any medication or seeking professional help and the effect of the seasons is also causing Manic Episodes in y

Jimbo, I Could Tell You About Other Manics JUST LIKE YOU!

But you wouldn't believe it. Mainly because you deny that you do anything wrong too, just like they do. It is a common trait with your type of Obsessive, Narcissistic Psychopath/Sociopathic Stalker. Each of you are similar and also stand apart in your methods, using a different technique to harm and threaten others. Some of you are outright dangerous, but don't want to get your 'hands dirty', and use other people as your Middle Men, or use the anonymous methods, but you dude, you are direct and hide behind EGO and misinformed Litigation. You assume that you are unstoppable with your clumsy Laws and Statues. Others use Swatting, sabotaging Personal Lives indirectly and turning people against the intended target. All of you however are MENTALLY ILL. We are all adults and shouldn't be acting this way, but dude, I sit back and observe this from the outside and over the years I have witnessed it ALL. None of you have learned a thing from it. None. You keep doing it, some

Dude, You Drive Everyone Away! You Might as Well be a Car! They Are Taken for a Ride and Then they LEAVE!


I Should Guessed with those Posts About Litigation the Old Jimmy was Back!

You made lofty promises, you know, such as moving to Mexico, buying a mansion, and those type of things (with money you don't have and mobliity you can't possess). You have shrinking money, stolen by fraud, from that Vet Earbud lawsuit, which in turn will end up being a lawsuit against you since you are NOT a Vet (Stolen Valor), and you lied to her with money that you don't have. Either she was a Gold Digger, or you made your usual grandieose narcissistic promises, and it blew up. Whatever the reality, it was going to happen Jimmy Boy. How can you support her if you cannot yourself? Your companies are not real without any income. It takes just a few days to dig into them with real research to discover that. You are all talk. Women need proof, not words. Posts on Facebook and crappy made websites mean NOTHING. Her band at least do shows and make money, have a Record Deal deal, and you don't even have a publishing one. See the problem here...

You HAVE To Don Those Clown Shoes AGAIN, Don't You Jamie Boy?

Your forever anxiety causing Narcissistic Syndrome and other Mental Illnesses eat at you and you cannot simply be a funtional adult in any normal way. You try to last for a few days at a time but you fail. On your multiple 'business' pages and eventually on your own profile, you give in and just vomit your typical lies, accusations and libel. Dude, no one did A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE THINGS TO YOU. No one cares. You are not the target of some complex international trillion dollar espionage plot that centers mainly in little Ada! The very idea is laughable. From the various Presidents, to terrorist attacks, the Russian invasion on the Ukraine and everything else, you somehow link it all to you! Sorry, but you have NO connection to any of it. ZERO. Your Mental Illnesses are so beyond measure, it is frightening. You barely possess any money in the bank, and you have NO job or profession. So, to assume these wild claims and links or degrees of connections still, after decades, is just

Dude, You Know That Wannbe Legal Mumbo-Jumbo You Hide Behind?

You know, the one where you can attack and Libel others and they 'can't' you in turn? (Which you deleted from your most recent Facebook post), yeah, we go by that too. It is handy isn't it? It goes both ways. Since you fail to understand ANY legal matters or how they work, and live in Make Believe Land, we will too, and share it! You think that your decades and thousands of libelous attacks on people, all lies no less, can be blameless and unaccountable in the end, meaning no consequences for you, well you are wrong. You usual 'I am mysterious, I am an Agent of a Corporation' garbage seems to never end. Dude, real people never have to remind others what they do. Ever. Again, everything that you accuse others of doing is in fact admittance of your own self and actions completely. You are the only Narcissist we know (although one other comes to mind...). After dedicating 23 years to stalking and lying about these people, you can hardly redeem yourself so easily if