Dude, You Know That Wannbe Legal Mumbo-Jumbo You Hide Behind?

You know, the one where you can attack and Libel others and they 'can't' you in turn? (Which you deleted from your most recent Facebook post), yeah, we go by that too. It is handy isn't it? It goes both ways. Since you fail to understand ANY legal matters or how they work, and live in Make Believe Land, we will too, and share it! You think that your decades and thousands of libelous attacks on people, all lies no less, can be blameless and unaccountable in the end, meaning no consequences for you, well you are wrong. You usual 'I am mysterious, I am an Agent of a Corporation' garbage seems to never end. Dude, real people never have to remind others what they do. Ever. Again, everything that you accuse others of doing is in fact admittance of your own self and actions completely. You are the only Narcissist we know (although one other comes to mind...). After dedicating 23 years to stalking and lying about these people, you can hardly redeem yourself so easily if you tried, and filling such a post with the usual 'felony this, felony that' threats isn't going to help. You have no job, no office and professionalism or decorum. Everyone who has ever met you knows this! You try hard to sound LEGAL and with AUTHORITY but you end up being a clown. You drift around aimless with plenty of empty time, no socializing and no work, plotting and imagining dangers that don't exist. There is no CORPORATE ESPIONAGE in your life because you have no life. You are a REGISTERED LUNATIC, not an agent. Your mental decline happened a long time ago and you have only become worse in time, dwelling on the past in muddled visions of what happened and rewriting it to suit your own version in your narcissism.


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