Dude, Mr. Stalker....What BS Are you Trying to Flush This Time?

Sorry Closet Gay, but there is NO Domestic Violence on behalf of Mr. Young, so stop trying to demonize him. We know that he makes you feel so intimidated, it is OBVIOUS! Kimberly Joyce Chiles was a raging and violent alcoholic, compulsive liar AND Mr. Young and his first wife were Separated by then, but hey, what do you KNOW, you have never been married, or have a relationship last longer than you could attempt to stalk and rape them? Ms. Chiles is a Hobosexual, you know, someone that sleazes her way into someone's house because she is too insane to work and own one of her own homes. But hey dude, we just have ALL of these facts lying around. Her actual husband later was a fugitive pedophile from Florida, on the run for a decade until the Marshalls caught him. Ms. Chiles KNEW this all along. That means SO DID YOU. You have no understanding of facts regarding the Stalking Victims that you have obsessed over for 23 years, AND you have no scruples too about the people that you claim to 'know'. We are all wondering, what 'letter' in August 29th of 2024 that you are even referring to dude? Are you sooooo out of your tiny little mind that you infer that everything must be these same people that you obsess about? Dude, get a life! You have more enemies out there, recent ones too. Odd that YOU never ever claim any 'wrong doing' or any wrongful use of others names or photos yet you have done for two decades, thus, this is where we are today! From 2001 to 2024 with you, the mentally ill one hiding in Ada, Oklahoma. Throwing your hilarious legalese nonsense means nothing dude, because we have asked you the same since 2001 and you refused. Read the posts. Can you? It isn't 'illegal' to use your photos, hahahahaha! Even more so not because of your Stolen Valor excuse! Did you earn that from playing your video games dude? Because there is NO other way you are 'Armed Forces'. Jimbo, we told you going back to 2013 even, TAKE DOWN EVERY SINGLE LIBELOUS REFERENCE AND PHOTO of everyone you Stalk and all of this goes away instantly! Just like magic. Poof. We didn't know that Mr. Young was an 'Associate Processor', interesting...and now you include Ms. Wolf in your ever-growing paranoia too. Dude, GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. Until you stop, we wont, and we have so many photos of you Mr. Allen because you are so vain. You are having another Manic Schizophreic Episode and you vent it online for the World to see, and when you do this, you start throwing names, accusations and legal threats around like a loaded gun. Dude, get medication. You must realize that you have dedicated your sad life to stalking a handful of people and you don't even have the facts straight about them at all after 23 years! How miserable is that? If you are THAT misinformed on the people that you claim to know and have sent a Private Eye even after (Stalking with extra steps...), then that means you must EVERYTHING wrong. Everything. In your typical Narcissistic Double-Standard Perspective, you can use their names and images but they cannot back in any form of retaliation or manner, it can't go both ways in Herr Magus Stryx's Make Believe World. Sorry dude, but you are on the wrong side of history here and are the Bad Guy...


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