You are Incapable of Having a Mental Breakdown Because....

...everyday you have one! You are mentally out of control with conspiracies, paranoid thoughts and unnatural suspicions and motives. Your posts reveal them and dude, it is rather scary. Thankfully you never act on them. I think that you being a coward has been good for your Stalking Victims and their livelihoods. You haven't been brave enough to confront them face to face, but instead bully them online, as most Keyboard Warriors do. You talk tough online about being skilled in 'military this and that' and other similar lies, but you are a nancy boy or girly man, a sissy. You bugger boys in closets as we now know. That is ok, but don't pretend to be both at the same time dude. Choose one and stick to it. Admit it and move on and leave everyone else ALONE. No wonder Ms. Wolf was fed up with you! It wasn't just your lies and inability to keep your shallow promises, but your secrets too, THOSE SECRETS.


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