You are Cycling again Mr. Vampire Suit CEO Dude...

...and I don't mean riding a bike either! Your delusional Narcissistic wacko driven garbage is back! Sure, you have been posting or...projecting about how Narcissitic YOU are (while trying to say vaguely how others are?), but in this strange pause from your usual mania, you also lapsed into some romantic diversion too. Is there a special new guy that you met in a closet at the Vintage Club? I know, I know, don't ask, don't tell. But your ridiculous post on vampires is back to your typical egotistical Word Salad and claims, 'The "Vampire" myth essentially originates from the background of the fiction I created, suggestioning that most of the monsters in our public conscience are in fact the misinterpretreted product of the technology and systems by very advanced civilizations.' Dude. NO. You have NO influence on anything. Not like you hope or think. You still remain completely unknown. Not a single person knows or cares about your own twisted megalomaniac views. You try, vicariously, to take credit for EVERYTHING and in everyway possible. As every wacko like you does with no talent or skill, but plenty of mental illnesses to compensate. You did NOTHING in 1998. The concept of vampires has been around Globally since Prehistory and your miserable insecurities can't claim one atom of credit for it. You don't have a 'franchise'. Where is it dude? Where? It is all empty talk and emptier promises. After twenty-plus years you have produced nothing and it will continue. You have proven your 'creative' output in that time - stalking/harassing other people online and by wannabe Private Eyes. Not creating anything useful. Your imagination is infantile and design is little more than equal to a child's in Primary School. As it is said, extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. You have given none ever. EVER. Just promises that remain empty. Excuses and blaming others, as narcissists do when backed up to a wall. Pitiful. YOU are the FICTITIOUS PETITIONER here, living in a Fantasy World, many, in his demented mind only. No one else can see it except for those insane posts on Facebook and on your websites. Get help.


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