Pay Attention You Mentally Ill Hot Air Wind Bag...

YOU ARE THE FARTHEST THING FROM SOPHISTCATED THERE POSSIBLY IS DUDE! You live alone and have NO friends, no culture, no education, and no nuances of being sophisticated in any way that society would understand. You cannot be both 'aloof and 'sophisticated' at the same time you idiot! You try to sound soooo mysterious and full of depth and with many unexpected angles and worth knowing, but you are not. You are a sniveling, lying and obsessing stalker that is mentally ill, who cannot let rest that others avoid you for many valid reasons. You never admit your faults or failures, and you never do anything to show your faults (which are endless). You are jobless, penniless and worthless and the more you put on airs, the more fake it is dude. Real people don't have to tell others what or who they are constantly, because that is an act. Good men DO need rules. They follow decorum and protocal and know how to be gentlemen. You lack ALL of that. You are just so narcissistic and out of control and out of touch with Reality, that you cannot see it. WE DO KNOW YOU. More than you know your stalked victims by far. That is why Baby Boy Allen was taken from you so long ago, because you are dangerous. You are not a 'monster' or a 'demon' who was 'removed from society' that was 'born from violence and war' and 'simply did not die.' You are a delusional schitzophrenic lunatic. Every word you say and write is a lie and driven by your mental illnesses. The only honest thing you can do is stay silent and avoid others. PLEASE DO. You need medication and isolation from society permanently.


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