Dude, Stop Being a Passive-Aggressive Nancy Boy!

You are an unstable delusional wacko who cannot stay quiet online or anywhere for too long. Your multiple mental illnesses have you so bound up that it is impossible for you just simply post videos and art, and those odd poetic samples for any length of time, it is just you biting your tongue. We watch and KNOW that you are about to post more of your ridiculous 'legal threats' and other of the usual garbage, it is all that you know to do. You cannot work, write or do anything professionally ('Function as an Adult') at all. Since your Schitzophenia and other related mental illnesses set in, you have been on the decline for the last two decades. You try to be a Lawyer, Vet, CEO, Writer, Designer, etc, etc, etc. But you are NONE of these things and never were. They are delusional dreams lost in your swirling mind of insanity. Your miserable life is just a tug and pull of delusions and reactions, back and forth, Hero and Victim, and it never ends. You refuse help and medication, or even at the very least - admitting or acceptance of it. Dude, you are pitiful.


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