
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Clown Posteth Once More.


Dude, Stop Being a Passive-Aggressive Nancy Boy!

You are an unstable delusional wacko who cannot stay quiet online or anywhere for too long. Your multiple mental illnesses have you so bound up that it is impossible for you just simply post videos and art, and those odd poetic samples for any length of time, it is just you biting your tongue. We watch and KNOW that you are about to post more of your ridiculous 'legal threats' and other of the usual garbage, it is all that you know to do. You cannot work, write or do anything professionally ('Function as an Adult') at all. Since your Schitzophenia and other related mental illnesses set in, you have been on the decline for the last two decades. You try to be a Lawyer, Vet, CEO, Writer, Designer, etc, etc, etc. But you are NONE of these things and never were. They are delusional dreams lost in your swirling mind of insanity. Your miserable life is just a tug and pull of delusions and reactions, back and forth, Hero and Victim, and it never ends. You refuse help and medica

Seems a Little Bit Strange for Someone Claiming to Be So Wealthy...

If you have a $200,000/year 'Skill Set' and are worth Billions, then dude, pay the whole Child Support in full and move on and be rid of it like a Man! Stop whining...

Dude, Your 'Level' is the Same as a Homeless Lunatic. Seriously....

It was just a matter of time before your music videos and motivational quotes fell apart and you were back to the same old Jimmy (Gay Boy in the Closet) Allen once more! Did you run out of CBD/Meth or whatever you are using for 'drugs' to suppresss your schitzophrenia and paranoia? The Narcissistic Syndrome is back in full swing once more too I see dude! You are throwing those felonies in every direction too. You took too many paragraphs just to say that you have NO projects to show and anything in your 'skill set' worth showing to others, and there definitely isn't a $200,000/year one! How hilarious dude! You have no skills. ZERO. You are UNEMPLOYED. JOBLESS. We can easily guess that your favorite word is 'felony', because in your damaged mind, you believe that it instills a threat in others if your hurl it at others in defense. But dude, you are not the Law and such charges are not up to you. You are the one in fact making felonious actions. Should we list

Creepy Dude...Really. There is NO Excuse for Libel or Slander.


Whoever You Buggered in THAT Closet in Ada - Don't Ask Don't Tell I Suppose...


You Still Try to Post Your Narcissistic Lies - Just Differently

What new package arrived at your Step Mommy's house and how did this connect to the other Megalomanic and equally corrupt felonious former President Trump dude? Are you implying again that the two are tied together in some massive national plot? You are really reaching there? Not only did that 'Shooter' come from the same political party as he, and yourself, but it has NO connection to your pitiful life there in Ada. The two have absolutely NO relation to each other in any way, shape or form or causation. It seems odd that every Trumper is either poorly educated, mentally ill, amoral, unethical or...all at the same time. He DOES like their attention and votes. Dude. You are of NO CONSEQUENCE. You have no 'games' and no competition as well out there because no one knows that you exist. You have no products. Your name is not attatched to anything. Anywhere. Usually you make endless whinny posts about the next 'package' and even photos, but I guess this is just

Pay Attention You Mentally Ill Hot Air Wind Bag...

YOU ARE THE FARTHEST THING FROM SOPHISTCATED THERE POSSIBLY IS DUDE! You live alone and have NO friends, no culture, no education, and no nuances of being sophisticated in any way that society would understand. You cannot be both 'aloof and 'sophisticated' at the same time you idiot! You try to sound soooo mysterious and full of depth and with many unexpected angles and worth knowing, but you are not. You are a sniveling, lying and obsessing stalker that is mentally ill, who cannot let rest that others avoid you for many valid reasons. You never admit your faults or failures, and you never do anything to show your faults (which are endless). You are jobless, penniless and worthless and the more you put on airs, the more fake it is dude. Real people don't have to tell others what or who they are constantly, because that is an act. Good men DO need rules. They follow decorum and protocal and know how to be gentlemen. You lack ALL of that. You are just so narcissistic and

Jamie, NO ONE has Impersonated You! No One Cares. We Don't Want to Be You! Why DO You?

If I remember right, it is YOU that has endless libelous websites about these people and you keep name dropping THEM on Facebook and anywhere you can? Or am I mistaken? Your 'Playing the Victim' act isn't working, again for the Millionth time. You have obsessively stalked these same people, tried to ruin their jobs and interfere in their lives, and even personally stalked them in person at Conventions. Added to this, your companies aren't real, you don't actually sell anything, and you have nothing of true worth to take or imitate by others that is at risk. You have set yourself up for the Social Security situation due to lying on your websites and other related matters about being a CEO and claiming that you are worth $1 Trillion. NO ONE visits your Step Mommy's home. You live in a well traveled area, by a golf course, and a well-known party/drug area of Ada. Where the police are at constantly, making arrests and stops, and drug busts. The mail box sits on a cu

You Post Videos Because of a Car Wash Encounter? Dude, You are a Sissy!

20 Reasons of what you 'would do' to someone who comes up to you in a car wash? We all know that you are unhinged, paranoid, dangerous and extremely afflicted with schitzophrenia, but you are also a major sissy boy too! You posted endlessly, and made conspiracies on it, about some encounter at the Village Bar and bikers, who allegedly poked at your eye, insulted you and whatever else you made up. As usual dude, you make up about 99% of any situation to either turn yourself into, a.) The Ultimate Victim, or b.) The Ultimate Victor, but usually both are wrong. It is your Narcissism speaking and you are the one causing your own troubles. You have NO military ANYTHING. So why make those posts with any insuation of the matter at all dude? You have never held a weapon in training, been called to duty, or even served. You are a joke. You don't have '20+ Products' that you manage. You don't even own or create one attached to your worthless name there in little Ada, Okla