Widdle Jamie Has to Keep at It! Because he is Stupid that way...

23 years later and you keep making the same impossible claims, accusations, after a thousand changes, rewrites and alterations to the narratives, that these select people that have dedicated your stalking and mental illness on are: evil, extorting, criminals, child-trafficking, Satanic, Pedophiliac, Democratic, Neo-Nazi, Murderous, Conspiratorial, plotting, kipnapping, violent, libelous/slanderous, and ultimately demonic individuals who seek out to destroy you and all that you represent. But you have NO EVIDENCE OF IT. Just the same level of hearsay that any kid on a playground at school has in a fight against another! You expect the Legal System to believe you simply because you play dress up and pretend to be a lawyer for a while with crappy print outs. Pro Se Litigants only apply to Civil Court matters dude and only as Defendants, and they have an average of 4% win rate in a case, but in your situation, being that you are so MENTAL, it would be less than 1%. You cannot realistically expect to win. You are appealing the Child Support Case dude, nothing else. When you dump your stupid 'Case' before the court, they are confused. They laugh you out of Court and realize that you are mentally ill and this time, it will be for Contempt of Court. You are not Appealing the Backpay of the Child Support, but just insane ramblings, again. Added to the Police Cam video footage gathered from last year, twice, about you, it is clear how incapable that you are of functioning in everyday society. You have made up crimes against you, by made up criminals, and you are obsessed with it! You cannot even live day to day without it interrupting your life in some way. Your Facebook and websites are filled with it dude! No one is bothering you but YOU.
The main problem with all of you narcissists is, you perpetually try to stay important in the eyes of others in some way, but you do nothing to deserve it. So you must create or invent reasons to get attention by people since you have no personal creativity of your own. You borrow the work and ideas of others in some manner, and then latch on like a tick, whether by claiming it is yours, or in your case, using their names and criminalizing them so you have a reason to exist. You could not exist on your own. I can assure you that these people that you obsess about have NO CLUE about the accusations that you have placed them under! Dude, get a life!


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