Stop with the Wild Accusations and Imaginations Dude. They were OLD over 15 Years Ago!

You make up events such as the 'Lolita Tea Party' with underage girls at Soonercon, to incriminate your stalked victims at, and every (assumed) connected person and event therein just to further demonize people that you barely know, or had disliked you and wanted to distance themselves from you over twenty years ago. Your memory is very wrong, and it serves your own purposes in a typically narcissistic manner, to elevate your own standing and destroy others equally. Unfortunately, you give NO evidence to anything, and everything you post is the same as some whiny child on a playground and hearsay. You create conspiracies that could never exist, especially about you dude! People would never make that effort to do so! You act as though you and these 'witnesses' are valid enough and should be for the Court as well, mwahahahahaaha! That isn't how Law works. Every little thing you do is naive. You were asked by the creators of TRICK-CON-TREAT in 2011 to be a Sponsor and donate $2,000. Nothing more or less. Because you spent years pretending to be a rich CEO of companies that didn't exist. You were never a sponsor to any other convention in Oklahoma because you never had any money, then or now. The game was up and the bubble burst. GET OVER IT. Now you have gangs, Sex-Trafficking, conspiracies and more added to it since then because they ALL figured out (in your lunatic mind) that you were a delusional wacko and full of lies. They didn't know but your actions revealed it. You stalked girls at these conventions, being an opportunist, and simply was a faux pas. Everyone avoided you for good reason. Decades later you haven't stopped the madness. Anyone who was unfortunately enough to cross your path then (Mr. Young, Ms. Walker, et al) ended up on your psychotic stalking list forever more dude! You don't even have a remote clue as to how the KEIF Radio Station situation operated and ended dude! 0%. How the FCC was involved and why. I posted it a few times but you were too stupid to notice it. You cannot pay attention. So instead you make up stuff, scandalous things, to add to your story. You wonder why the Court of Law laughs you out each time? It takes them minutes to pull up the same information that I have on it and that evades you. You are too busy running around in Pretend Land trying to demonize others in your twisted and mentally ill head rather than gather the facts. A Non-Profit Radio Station has NO EMPLOYEES you retard! It has no income to pay anyone. I would think that someone who pretends to be a CEO of a business would understand these basics but you are too dumb.
Jimmy, you might be almost fifty but you are mentally five. You have no experience being a Man, CEO, Game Designer or....anything. You have been a crazed recluse for most of your pitiful life in Ada and haven't lived at all. You are mentally unstable and should be medicated and locked away. You prove it with every deranged post. You act as though posting your rants on Facebook validates it all. No, it doesn't at all. It only provides us and the Court later with MORE evidence against you. Keep doing it dude!


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