Jimbo, Your So-Called Private Eye was just Stalking By an Extra Step! She wasn't a Real One!

You are so obsessed with stalking these people (Peterson, Beal, Young, etc) that you had to get another person to help you, and their 'information' was wrong too. In fact, it was completely misleading futher than your own terrible stalking detective work online. You keep feeling like you have to justify your 23 year obsessive stalking by NOT calling it Libelous/Slanderous behavior (which is all clearly is) by citing random legal jargon to escape punishment by the Law. Jamie Boy, it doesn't work that way. No, not at all. Magnus is an adult now, and you are being sued for Back Child Pay. It is simple. Now, be a man and deal with it. Stop whining and trying to dodge it. Stop trying to both pretend to be the BIG MAN (CEO, Vet and the other nonsense and lies) and at the same time Super Victim too! You can't have both. You have NO damages to sue others by, no financial or physical or truly anything has been done to you to justify those claims of what you feel is owed to you. You are just merely trying to 'win' the lawsuit lottery and try to keep a stupid promise to Ms. Wolf and move to Mexico and buy her some kind of mansion or estate. You already have defrauded the Veterans' Earplug company of at least $7,000 recently and that will catch up with you soon too! You cannot flee the country and get a passport due to both the Child Support case AND now the Social Security situation. Dude, your decades of lies are catching up with you. The net is closing in...
Wasn't your 'ultimate project' BEYOND WAR somewhere in this mess too? You know, the one that makes all others pale in comparison and somehow, everyone has copied off of you too? Oh yeah...mwahahaahahaha! What a loser.


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