Herr Maggot Stryx Just LOVES Handling Them Out! He is Judge Med!

Judge Med, as in dude, you need to be on medication! It isn't up to you what laws are being broken, charges are being made and so on. You have no understanding of the legal system at all. You quote them terribly and loosely, throwing felonies left and right at everyone. I hate to tell you dude, but it is the most ghetto of things to threaten like this to others. You are still stuck in that 'mode'. Leave the charges and how it is handled up to those who professionally do it every day. Between the many degrees of a Misdemeamor and a Felony, it is complicated. How it works going in and out. What defines criminal activity and not, and behavior in a person as well. You are just simply mentally ill. No crimes are done to you, but some are being done by you, such as obesessive Internet Stalking, Libel and even hiring someone to stalk (Ms. Mack for example). You could be held accountable for a serious list of charges if your stalking victims wished to pursue them all, but that takes money and time...and you aren't worth it. You are a crazy kook living in Ada. So far. The advice in our office here in Ardmore to you is, keep to yourself dude! Harm no one, online or off.


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