$40,000,000, Really Dude? Do You Think In That Fetid Brain You Will Win That Much?

Jamie Boy, in all of your thousands of pointless posts and rants I skip the money parts, as I often do the lists of Laws and Statutes that you needlessly try to point out, trying to sound detailed and Legal, but I finally stopped and read the amount that you are convinced that you believe that everyone owes you! $40,000,000! Who are you? Dr. Evil? Do you have sharks with freaking lasers on their heads? Mwhahahahaha! No one owes you a single copper penny James Arnold Allen. Not one cent. It is the reverse and you know it. Stop trying to play the Narcisstic Super Victim! This isn't some lottery where you keep going to Court with the next ridiculous lawsuit hoping to magically 'win' after the Judge finally grants your case and charges. You are not a lawyer! Dumbass, anyone can be a Pro Se 'lawyer' if the situation warrants it! The only difference is, you are playing pretend again, giving them these wild claims, without evidence, except what is in your delusional head and some modified ('tampered') printouts and you show up in one of your retarded suits, act like a TV Lawyer and a fool in front of professionals and then you are rushed out of there. You are not even qualified to run the ice cream machine at McDonald's dude! I KNOW lawyers and they have worked hard in Law School. You are an idiot trying again to claim more 'Stolen Valor' on their behalf.
Mostly, 99% of your made up, delusional problems could end if you deleted EVERYTHING about everyone from your websites and Facebook overnight and walked away from it forever dude! It is true. Then, the SSC and other Governmental Agencies might also stop or slow down in their contacting you too, because you are openly telling the World how 'wealthy' and 'powerful' you (but we both know that you aren't), and with all of those combined lies, it would make your life easier, and those who you have obsessively stalked for decades too. It is all connected to your non-stop stalking and libelous behavior. YOU are libelous, not anyone else. Mainly because no one gives two craps from a goat about you Jimmy, I am the same way. This is my way to relax. I post this for them. I always have since 2013. Get help, medication for your ailing mind and leave everyone alone. Please.


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