Dude, Your Companies Don't Exist and 'Stryx' is a Joke!

After going through many searches on YouTube and other well-used sources for your companies' names and Stryx, you never came up ONCE. Instead, other people had. You try to claim the computer Asus has some connection to you and Stryx and that the CPU as well just to keep people from figuring out what a gigantic liar that you are, but it won't work! Mwahahahaahaha! Not one of your so-called 'companies' exists in the Real World in any form. None. As for Stryx/Strix, everyone and their dog uses it. From Drones in Australia to various companies that have NO connection to you! You lay no claim to the word or 'name'. When will you admit that you have crippling mental illesses and need serious help? Stop posting photos and personal information about other people that you obsess about, and stalk, thinking that they are evil or attacking you. They are NOT. Not only do you have your 'facts' wrong about them in 100% of examples that you give, but you are also showing how obsessed that you about them. These people have no care about you and have lives of their own. You try to demonize them in every post and it only makes YOU look worse instead. Just stop and get help for your Schitzophrenia and PPD and other mental illnesses. Admit that you have them. Jimmy, you have no clients, staff or anything. Nothing. Stop trying to appear sophisticated on Facebook. The rule is: if you have to stress that you are something, you aren't. You aren't a lot of things dude! That list grows by every post you make. You cannot demonize these innocent people. They have done nothing to you and gain nothing from it if they did! You are penniless and harbor no Top Secret data. You sit and play video games and obsess over paranoid ideas daily, staring outside and stalking online your victims. GET A LIFE. Jimmy, you do not exist in the professional world at all. What you claim on Facebook doesn't make it true!


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