
Showing posts from January, 2024

I am NOT Surprised that you were Attacked!

You were probably annoying people at that bar and they had enough hearing about your 'dangerous' and 'Top Secret' lifestyle, with death at every turn and people trying to kill you and your clients and pets. I know that in our few encounters you were quickly impossible to deal with due to how full of yourself that you were and simply insane. You had said that others' projects weren't 'good' merely because they had spent decades working on them and perfecting them and it doesn't make them 'better'! Mwaahahahaha! Then, lo and behold, it gets finished and published and becomes an international hit...and you have NOTHING to show for your arrogant and insane words. Just more self-centered talk from Jimmy. The Eternal Project. I am sure some bikers had no tolerance for your shit dude! Even a deaf man would get tired of you. Do you ever get tired of yourself? I read your lengthy nonsense and eagerly seek the end of them, but you cannot stop on your r

Dude, Your Companies Don't Exist and 'Stryx' is a Joke!

After going through many searches on YouTube and other well-used sources for your companies' names and Stryx, you never came up ONCE. Instead, other people had. You try to claim the computer Asus has some connection to you and Stryx and that the CPU as well just to keep people from figuring out what a gigantic liar that you are, but it won't work! Mwahahahaahaha! Not one of your so-called 'companies' exists in the Real World in any form. None. As for Stryx/Strix, everyone and their dog uses it. From Drones in Australia to various companies that have NO connection to you! You lay no claim to the word or 'name'. When will you admit that you have crippling mental illesses and need serious help? Stop posting photos and personal information about other people that you obsess about, and stalk, thinking that they are evil or attacking you. They are NOT. Not only do you have your 'facts' wrong about them in 100% of examples that you give, but you are also showin

Defamatory Sites? How Ironic Coming From YOU Baby-Man!

What I do is post comments and observe your terrible behavior. I don't have to 'defame' you at all dude! Your actions do that enough. After all, you have the names of your Stalking Victims littered all over your websites and Facebook and had for 23 years! 23 FREAKING YEARS! You are constantly accusing them of every possible crime and felonious act you can and then magically assuming that the Court of Law will grant your wishes and force your said stalked victims to pay you! It doesn't work that way. You can't further victimize them. You write up mock-up legal papers and then send them to various judges and courts and 'Play Lawyer', as well as CEO in your Make Believe World. Sorry to tell you dude but the Adult World doesn't work like this at all. There are various complex series of procedures and rules of accountability that you must follow before anything can be given the results you seek. None of it works like magic simply because you have your little