Awwwww, Did Your Latest Attempted Lawsuit Get Refused to Dude? Oh no....

Stryxie Boy, your endless rants on Facebook are unhinged and ridiculous. More than ever! By the way, name dropping your Stalking Victims and their past alleged 'crimes' doesn't mean they did them. For example, Mr. Young's 'threatening a City Council Member' was dismissed and dropped and all related people in that fiasco suffered in the fallout and are mentally ill like yourself, he was exonerated. Maybe you should learn from that and the consequences of your actions after 20+ years of harassing and stalking people too? Antagonizing, misrepresenting, lying and falsely representing people continually online can get you in serious trouble. Everything you post is being recorded and remembered! You need to stop playing the Eternal Victim and Perpetual Genius (you are neither!), and seek professional help and stay offline. Everything you mention, from your 'companies', events, anecdotes, and more are all fictional, completely. They either are made to boost you up or to lower down the decency of those you try to smear, and all of which you have NO evidence of obviously. Just your rants in lengthy and foolish words. You aren't intelligent, or even mildly educated, or have a small inkling of experience in anything of worth dude. You are a hurt, scared little boy that was considered too dangerous to be around by multiple people over time. You stalked girls at Sci-Fi conventions. You couldn't be around your own baby, thus he was taken from you by a very convuluted means (he is now an adult). Dude, you are a menace and have no value. You don't have companies, or products to sell, no innovations better than anyone else. Nothing. There are outcasts and rejects and then there is YOU. James Arnold Allen. The ultimate loser. Angry at the Universe. We get it. You are mad. Leave everyone alone and get a life, find one. Get new hobbies and find your lost Humanity again. Socialize and maybe...just maybe someone to tolerate being with you. Your cats are not Staff or Shareholders. I know this is impossible for you, but try to be a good person.
You don't own the word/name 'Stryx/Strix', and haven't invented AI and have no 'Trade Secrets' to take. In fact, you have NOTHING to show anyone. If you spent less time in those long and drawn out Facebook rants over nothing and more producing actual bodies of work, you might have something, but you don't dude. You are creating wild fantasies in your head about being some genius creator and innovator that has influenced both Entertainment and Science (and Warfare) and in Reality, you are unknown, jobless and penniless too. You have a combination of Messiah Complex mixed with Victimhood together and it never ends. It is always dramatic around you with: people dying, animals being tortured and killed, extortion, and so many other melodramatic events daily and weekly dude! Oh my, what happens next on 'As the Stomach Turns...'? Dude, Stryxina, really? I know it must be soooooo lonely every day there by yourself, but stop making up things, and then scaring yourself into producing elaborate lawsuits about it and then having them get rejected, again, and then ranting about it all over again on Facebook. You blaim the people that you obsess and stalk for your own problems and they remain completely unaware of any of it, believe me! You are acting out entire dramas in your sick mind and postng them online. Shameful. You are not a programmer, developer, designer, writer or a soldier. You are not a teacher, academic or scholar. In fact, you are not much of anything. Just a WHOLE LOT OF WANNABE of everything, trying to credit yourself with everything from everyone else's hard work, and that is lowest type of worm! Usually Narcissists do this. When you try to demonize your stalking vicims, you end of describing yourself perfectly instead. How ironic is that? I think my next project to sell to another MMORPG will be called Stryx...something to prove my point how you don't own that name dude. Yeah...


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