You constantly make wild claims about how Hollywood, the BBC and everyone and anyone else who has had SUCCESS, has copied and stolen from you. You post this vomit endlessly and without A SINGLE SHRED OF PROOF. You live in the shadow of actual, hard-working professionals who have made success in writing, cinema and other areas of life and you have done NONE OF IT. Not one person in these places that you try to constantly imply knows who you are, or that you even exist dude! Your name(s) do not exist in credits or anything associated with their hard work, so QUIT! Not one Anime, Movie, Book, or TV Show has rubbed shoulders with you there in Ada, Oklahoma ever. EVER! The few successful people that you have met at various Sc-Fi/Fantasy Conventions across the State of Oklahoma and Texas, you have stalked, harassed and gave a terrible impression too (some are still being stalked by you to this day). Dude, you are the ULTIMATE LOSER AND NOBODY. Your awful three little books self-published on Amazon a few years ago were written by a 3rd Grader! That is something that I expected from you, all talk and no skill to back it up. You try to One-Up everyone on Facebook and NO ONE CARES! Your Narcissistic behavioral problem is all consuming. If you are not the Ultimate Victim, always caught in dramatic plots to kill you, your pets or 'clients/family' every day, then it is this other crap! In the end, you are a lonely Man-Baby sitting in a house that your Step-Mom owns (car too), doing Play Pretend from day to day online. You have no CV or resume, no Top Secret Military training or background in anything. AT ALL. You sit online watching videos and stalking everyone. You try to file court claims against the very people that you obsess about, meanwhile leave a MASSIVE papertrail online about while you cannot be taken seriously. Everything that everyone has ever done to you, in your delusional mind, is a felony, that is clear. Yet, you don't understand how the Law works, not in the smallest degree. Leave Charges in the hands of the Police, Judges and Lawyers dude. They do it for a living NO YOU! Your jacket is not special and didn't influence Keenu Reeves' in Matrix, if that is what your retarded post is implying...sigh.


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